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D     Chapter 1     The PROBLEM and approaches to it

    1.2. Spectrum of obsessional displays

и     Five categories of obsessions, differing on character of their external source and external manifestations can be stated.
    1. As the most socially important can be admitted painful memories as far as they are mostly connected with irreplaceable and tragical losses, with catastrophes, natural disasters military events, with different kinds of violence, injustices, etc. i.e. cases demanding social rehabilitation, readaptation.

[Narcotisms have become not less significant after 1999, when they have got character of epidemic in consequence of their enormous scale and expansion speed.]

    It is generally recognized that time heals, but it happens that, on the contrary, the discomfort, the internal difficulties connected with experienced aggravates, accrues with time. Then a recollection of troubles, of stressful experiences is scrolled again and again as a film in its real variant or still worse one.
    Pleasant memories about can be not less painful. Then we deal with the nostalgia..
    2. The category the most various, numerous by quantity of external manifestations and occasions – phobias – panic, useless fears, which contradict an individual’s common sense (unlike rational fear, preserving against dangers and insalubrities of environment)
    Except for already mentioned fears of mice (frogs, spiders, cockroaches etc.), sometimes leading to faints and/or to involuntary (more often – to senseless, to funny) actions, one can attribute here
• fear of examinations,
• fear of a stage, public performances, especially competitive ones, in general fear of greater audiences,
• fear of a microphone,
• sportsmen’s prestarting fever,
• fears of space (opened, closed, heights), and up to dangerous fears – for example,
• fear to address to a doctor, especially, if it not a dentist, but an oncologist.
    There is no sharp interface between panic and rational fears. This allows to expect (to hope), that liquidation of panic fears may be a first step to ability to overcome a rational fear. An example: a doctor, inoculates an incurable infectious disease to himself in order to research it. He knows what he does. He saw sufferings of the patients, but overcomes his adequate, natural fear.
    3. The category of subjectively unjustified predilections, desires, inclinations is most numerous
• to do something
    •• to gnaw nails
    •• to knock onto any wood
    •• to twist a button
here can also be attributed
    •• kleptomania
    •• narcomania
    •• aspiration to convince, to prove "one’s correctness " (contrary to absence of necessity or of real prospect) or "to defend justice";
• to obtain something
    •• obviously inaccessible and simultaneously not vital; the object can be
        ••• both material – let’s tell, a luxury goods,
        ••• and spiritual – let’s tell, someone's personal benevolence or a general recognition;
here can also be attributed
        ••• unrequited love; let’s mention Ernst Kretschmer's (1888-1964) opinion: We are surprised how easy a strong sharp love, which finds no respond at once, leads to suicide [56, p. 237]
        ••• undesirable amorousness (for example, in a person unworthy to be loved),
        ••• jealosy
    •• in obviously unworthy, contradicting morals way, or
    •• obviously harmful, in particular alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; these painful addictions do this group as a whole the most extensive on number of cases;
• predilection for meal, states of unhealthy appetite type;;
here can also be attributed
• others, for example, type of predilection to hazardous, computer, etc. games.
    4. Antiinclination, irrational disgus
• to a certain dish (for example, to semolina porridge), to a drink (to tea with milk);
• desire to get rid of something (from a sound of dripping water).
    5. And at last, inadequate - at that inadequate by one's own opinion! - nervousness in various worldly occasions which don't touch others at all.
    An example: When my husband is out late in the night, I cannot fall asleep. When he comes back, I calm down, but next time all this repeats, it is a system.
    Сюда же отнесем случаи неопределенной, беспредметной, субъективно непонятной тоски, подавленности: все мне не мило, ничего не хочется, ничто не интересно, солнце светит, но не для меня,
[ Среди дня без огня
                   Ходит солнышко
        (А. Кольцов) ]
птички поют, но не для меня, хочется плакать, но и слезы не дают облегчения.
    Бесполезно выяснять, какая из навязчивостей тяжелее. С одной стороны, известно: самая тяжелая болезнь та, от которой страдаешь сию минуту. С другой, каждая из навязчивостей связывает, ограничивает, делает человека рабом своих эмоций, своей плоти. Между тем, на пути к глобальной цели жизни – к духовному совершенству, к гармоничному развитию – необходимым условием успеха (а иногда, возможно, и самоцелью) является именно духовная, ментальная свобода.
    С точки зрения практики важно, что субъективно эти состояния не всегда воспринимаются как болезненные и требующие – самостоятельно ли, с посторонней ли помощью – ликвидации, избавления от них, что лишь подчеркивает необходимость индивидуального подхода к клиенту (испытуемому).
    The psi-technique of PulPur (гл. 5) is valid concerning the whole spectrum.    и

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