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Part I
            (The nature of PSYCHE)
        Chapter 1. FACTS and OPINIONS
                         1.7.  Experimental base

        1.7.1 NIDAP as DP

и     Let's start with the description of the NIDAP modification, easiest for primary mastering.

  A person whose AP is measured(a patient), sits at a table and puts his hand on a table, a palm upwards (his elbow too on a table - like as at usual measurement with a tonometer). One measuring AP (an operator) holds a pendulum in his hand and slowly moves it above the patient's hand from the palm to the elbow.
  A gold wedding ring on a thread is usually recommended as such a pendulum. In practice, nevertheless, a pendulum may have any construction. The main is - it should be convenient to its operator. Moreover, it is possible to do NIDAP without any pendulum at all.
  In the beginning the pendulum is quiet. Then, above some place of the patient's hand, it suddenly, unexpectedly for the operator, it starts to swing. At the further promotion to patient's elbow the pendulum calms down (its swings cease), and the place (point), above which it stopped, is marked, for example, with a paint. Two more points are marked in the same way. Then two distances are measured by a millimetric ruler: from the first point up to the second one and from the first up to the third. The first distance(length) corresponds to diastole AP (minimum) pressure, evaluated in millimeters of a mercury column, the second - to systole (maximum) one. Reliability of results is proved by measurements by means of sphygmomanometer: the difference does not exceed an sphygmomanometer's error (not more than 5 mm mercury).

   As a rule, NIDAP is easily mastered, and by this very reason it is chosen as the base exercize for mastering of diagnostics in an author's PRACTICAL WORK on the y-(psi)-technique (healing), intended for physicians and other specialists (there are details in section 15.2). This method of mastering of clairvoyance has its advantages, but it is not unique at all. Quite other methods are offered, for example, by Lora Day [ 154 ], who owns clairvoyance masterly herself.
   As a whole, the term DP (distant phenomena), taken from A.P. Dubrov (А.П. Дубров, 1998, [ 38 ]), unites (in this very work) functional psyche manifestations, in which -
( a ) an adequate perception (formating in particular of a perception image) of a physical/objective reality (and/or receiving of knowledge about it) is carried out by a person/subject directly, i.e. without any support upon the sense organs, known to physiology [for example - clairvoyance, in particular - retroscopia (knowledge of the past) and proscopia (knowledge of the future)]; and/or in which
(b) effective psyche influence upon a physical/objective reality is carried out by the person/subject directly, i.e. without any support upon his muscular efforts (an example - psychokinesis); and/or for which
(g) both of these processes are necessary (of perception and influence; for example, in healing an operator carries out, as a rule, not only active influence upon his patient, but also the diagnostics of him);   and at that
      (d) these (the direct) processes dominate, i.e. manifest themselves in an explicit form, and are not concealed by the communicative (usually, physically caused, non-distant) ones (CP).
   DP are named with many other terms too; among them:
(К.G. Jung) [157], т.е. совпадения событий по времени; два типичных примера –
  1) пациентка рассказывает К.Г. Юнгу, что видела во сне жука вполне определенного вида; в это самое время в стекло начинает биться такой именно жук, нарушая этим норму своего поведения: ему следует лететь на свет, а он рвётся со светлой улицы в полумрак комнаты [157];
  2) кто-то встречает днём старого знакомого, о котором он не вспоминал уже несколько лет, но тут же понимает, что ошибся, что это другой человек; вечером того же дня тот самый старый знакомый приходит к нему без предупреждения [там же];
· non-local interactions (Дэвид Бом [15], Роберт Уилсон [128] и др.) т.е. события/явления взаимозависимые, но не имеющие физически обусловленных причинно-следственных связей;
· parapsychological, paranormal phenomena, парапсихологические, паранормальные феномены (А.Г. Ли [73], В.Н. Пушкин и др.);
· distant phenomena, дистанционные феномены (В.Н. Пушкин);
· esoteric, occult phenomena;
· psi phenomena (or merely psi – этот термин принят в американской парапсихологии).
   The variant of NIDAP, described above, is most demonstrative, detailed, expanded in a ritual action. Other variants are much easier for use (not for primary mastering). So, an operator can work not only without any pendulum, but also without direct/physical/"alive" presence of his patient; this releases (both operator and patient) from many losses (of time, forces and means, at least – because of transport). Moreover: an operator can even be not familiar with his patient personally, and can orientate himself at work by photo, or even only by name.     и

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