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Part III
          Chapter 15. INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE
                          15.2. Author's PRACTICAL COURSE

        15.2.2.  PRINCIPLES

è     Healing is simultaneously both
• science for its know-how-techniques are based on some complex of knowledge and methods and therefore it is some technology which can be transferred by training, and
• art for each patient is unique and therefore an individual and, hence, creative approach to him is necessary. However an art is also based on some certain principles; a transfer, a development of these principles also can become a subject of training.
    The program of the practical Course is based on a LegArt complex of psi-technical techniques and exercises. Participants receive esoteric, occult notions about illness and about methods of preventive maintenance and therapy, in addition to academic ones, already known to them. They practically master -
• methods of distinction of qualities of astralum and methods of astralum diagnostics;
• methods of astralum objects formation and managing of them, methods of astralum therapy;
• methods specifically healer's thinking, mood, meditation;
mentalum methods of diagnostics and therapy;
• terminology of traditional (occult, esoteric) sciences.
    The program was perfected during a row of dozens groups of healers training - both of beginners (trainings "from zero"), and professionals (improvement trainings) having wide experience (having already their own contingent of patients, and trained already at many other courses). The program is flexible, that allows to optimize it according to a group membership.
    The program orientates a participant-healer to the way that tactics of his work with his patient, i.e. his concrete psi-technical methods should service to strategy, to the purpose of the work – more likely morally-ethical rather than pragmatical one.
    Strategy problems are not trivial. Healer's purposes are not always obvious. Two strategy, each of which is optimal in its own way, can not coincide. One of them conducts to purposes preferable directly from social point of view, for example to the maximal working capacity of a client/patient, the maximal productivity of his work, his conformism. Another is optimal from a personal, individual point of view: harmonious development of a client, increase of a level of its self-consciousness, comprehension by him of his place in a society and in the world, of his life sense, etc.
    It would seem, direct interests of a society should prevail. But in most cases it appears, that a personal level interests neglect turns a much more damage for society interests. The question on the universal decision remains to be open, and concrete solutions are found (and should be find) individually for each case.
    Specificity of psi-technique, of healer's thinking, which is just mastered by participants, includes (in particular) visualization of astralum objects, their transformation, scaling, duplication, programming of their dynamics, using of fulcrums for this purpose, precautions against bias or "mind depuration".
    An active accident prevention, necessary both at training and (for prospect) at work with patients, is included in the Course program. In particular:
• increase of physical activity, exertions for indemnification of the disproportion caused by increase of metaphysical activity;
• the vigilant, advancing control by an instructor for preventive suppression of possible participant's mistakes, dangerous both for them (during training), and for potential patients.
    Defence is one of continuous themes of the Course. Its basic necessity is emphasized from the very first training lesson. It is marked, that influence action upon a patient can simultaneously be interaction, that there is a danger of not only "to take patient's illness to yourself", but also to transfer it inadvertently in a further patient. Levels of defence are considered and its concrete methods are masterd.
    At mastering of astral sensitivity synesthesiae are used mainly with the sight, and in rather smaller measure with tactile sensitivity. Sensitivity of other modalities are almost not used.
    The program provides for gradualness of complicating of exercises and advancement to more complicated exercises only on the basis of already mastered more simple (non-attendances of lessons are not possible).
    The program provides for a flexible, fine choice of balance between a rigid control of a participant - in order that he had not relearn later - with encouragement of his independence, freedom, with recommendations of creative experimenting.
    A group effect is used in the Course when abilities of the group members increase up to the best of them (not excepting the teacher), unlike a crowd effect when – by Gabriel Tarda's observations [ 120 ] – the opposite, negative orientation exists.
    Necessity of an alive management is especially important for the healing mastering. The manual [ 2A ] is only an auxiliary material fixing the key moments of the alive Course. Attempts to master the techniques independently can be unsafe.     è

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