    International Association for Psyche survival - xsp.ru/psimattern/ Psyche survival We give not less than we promise Ðóññêèé 
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Part III
      FP and HEALTH
         Chapter 15. INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE

          15.3. Levels of the SYNTHESIS

è        In interests of a separate patient and, therefore, of public health services as a whole, it is desirable so full synthesis of academic medicine with alternative medic directions, so full creative connection of rational knowledge and methods of modern medicine with traditional approaches, with medic's intuitive views about each concrete patient, that concept of alternativemedicine should become nonsense. Such association of them into united, integrative medicine is most rational (effective, economical, etc.) at the personal level when a physician masters complementary directions, joins them.
    So, only 60 hours (no more, and sometimes less) a program of training LegArt demands in order to a doctor to become able to work independently using healing methods.
    It is possible to distinguish some methodological levels of such synthesis, of doctor's mastering new techniques and approaches, of their inclusion in his practice.
  Informational. A specialist of one direction (for example, of the academic) can consult his patient about possibilities of other directions, can give recommendation about a choice of optimum treating strategy, including self-treatment elements, but not only help in the frames of his own speciality.
  Consecutive. A specialist, managing methods of several directions, uses them, but does not combine them; he choose the best of them in each concrete case. So, a cardiologist can in one case of stenocardia prescribe medicines expanding coronary vessels, can in another case remove their spasm by using an astralum impact, can in the third massage ÁÀÒ, responsible for heart functioning, etc.
  Parallel. A specialist combines methods of several directions in united medical process. So, a cardiologist can in the same cases of stenocardia apply all three (and more) techniques together, and each of them will increase efficiency of the others (synergism).
  Integrative. And at last - the highest form of synthesis - a specialist can create and use essentially new in principle methods which are based upon his possession of different methodical approaches to patient's problems. So,
(The CASE 18.)

a professional cardiologist, who even has not finished author's Practical Course yet, facing in household situation (having no medical means on hand) a case of a fore-infarction state (the same stenocardia, but in threateningly heavy form), has thought, which medicinal cocktail should he infuse in this case at his hospital, and having done it mentally (having made corresponding astralum impact), he has stopped this sharp attack.


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