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Part IV
        A CHANCE to keep Russia as RUSSIAN one
        Chapter 17.   FP against NARCOMANIAE           

    17.2.   PROPHYLAXIS
è     A direct, immediate way of infectious epidemics suppression – a quarantine, full isolation of healthy people from the provoker/activator of disease – is obviously excluded (for many reasons) in a case of mental epidemic. Therefore it is necessary to find an indirect way for such isolation. The following moments are important here.
a   A teenager comes to a heavy drug – more true is that he falls down into a narcotic precipice – not suddenly and at once, but as though steps down by generally recognized stages:

tobacco ® alcohol ® cannabis ® opium (coca, synthetics).
    The more close to the precipice, the more difficultly to norm return. So (according to the chief narcologist of Saint-Petersburg Public Health Committee), not less than 80 % of easy drugs consumers passes then to heavy drugs. Therefore: prophylaxis, in order to be effective, should be early, should be directed against tobacco, against smoking, against a step down to the very first stage.
b   We are not able to expect, at least today, whether a concrete person will become drug dependent. But we precisely know, that it can happen after any next use of a drug, and even (there are examples, precedents) after the very first one. It is actual for tobacco too. Therefore it is important to avoid even a single test (which can become the first in infinitely long row).).
g  To explain this to an adolescent
• is not only useless, for a living example which smoking adults set for him can appear more convincing/demonstrative/evident,
• but also is harmful: explanations can give even inverse, negative effect, can not frighten him, but can waken curiosity to smoke. A teenager is an experimenter by his nature, he learns the world by means of tests and mistakes, he tries on himself all the phenomena and circumstances which he faces. His feeling of danger is deaden; adventurism, reckless irresponsibility are inherent to him more, than to a mature person. And still feeling of fortune munity. He knows ( better than his teacher and his mother) that, what is dangerous to another, is not dangerous to him at all.
d  What possible (and necessary!) to use for the prophylaxis is another feature of the age, is need for self-affirmation. As a rule, an adolescent aspires (or at least would like) to be adult, self-, independent to resemble those who is authoritative for him.
    Taking of these factors (a ÷ d) into consideration leads to the conclusion: the problem of prophylaxis will be resolved naturally, will lose its urgency if (we'll name this condition as SN) in Russia, as it is just befit for a civilized, enlightened society, the opinion becomes dominating that
to smoke is non-prestigious
to smoke is the childishness
earnest, respectable people do not smoke
a smoking person is the person of the second grade
i.e. this condition (SN) is sufficient for the problem of prophylaxis sanction. It is, however, the necessary condition too for there is not any alternative to it. Now, when much more a half (not less than 70%) of adult population smokes, i.e. to smoke is considered to be a norm, when a child is spoken not to smoke is harmfully to you, but to smoke is early for you, you are still too young for this, which is actually a provocation instead of prophylaxis, the younger and younger children, even pupils, begin to smoke.
    Realization of this condition (SN) is a strategic problem. It is complex, laborious, multilevel. But its solution is a unique real way for mitigation of the catastrophe consequences (to avoid which is already impossible: it has already begun). To satisfy the SN condition, to change public opinion is possible only by stages, applying a yoga method of small dozes to the society     è

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