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Part I
            (The nature of PSYCHE)
    Chapter 5.

    5.7.   FEEDBACKS
è     The one-way orientation of influences upon astralum by mentalum and upon physicum by astralum established/noted in section 4.3 is not absolute. Feedback influences from physicum to astralum and from astralum to mentalum works but works only as passive resistance against active (forward) influences.
   The more massive physical body TÐ is, i.e. the more energy E is (already) concentrated in it (E = m·c 2), the more efforts, the more new power influences are required in order to change its statement (of move or of rest), the more its resistance against these new influences, its passive influences upon the surrounding world is – it is known.
   Analogously – but it is already author's thesis/postulate – the more powerfully astral object TA is, the more mentalum M is (already) concentrated in it, the more it is stable, the more new mental influences upon it is required in order to change it, the more its resistance is against mentalum influences, its passive influence upon the surrounding world. In particular, if this object TA is a person's S astralum body (astrosoma) SA, so
• the brighter can be its (of person's SA) emotion,
• the more powerful can be its preact, and
• the more new mentalum efforts are necessary in order to change them – to strengthen, or to suppress.

    [  De facto the method of analogies (the method of traditional/occult science) is already admitted by NAS .
     Creating his equation of the wave function, E. Shredinger has not deduced it, but postulated, guiding himself by analogy (!) with classical optics, – only experiment could confirm its correctness or deny it (Ilya Prigozhin [107, ñòð. 42]). This method can (and should!) be recognized also formally as lawful as others. ]

    A shaman, influencing upon an astralum of his patient (direct influence) by means of his thought, cures him at the physical level. But the same shaman can use physical things (return influence) as a fulcrum for strengthening/facilitation of his influence upon astralum, of his management of it. A tambourine can help to one them, a flyagaric (as medicine) to another etc.
   It is not principle, but important for practice, that astralum formations, elements of an astrosoma, can be very steady, and be kept even in cases when they are not used for a long time, do not function, and, accordingly, are not updated, not reinforced.
   So, if, for example, a switch in a room is to the left of a door, so in a couple of years your hand reaches itself to the left for it. If later the switch is moved to the right, so relearning takes some days, weeks or even months. If you get in the same room after long (some years) break, the hand again reaches itself to the left – for old times' sake.
   So, a habitual manner of behaviour, a steady preact, can hinder from mastering a new behaviour, though it is more expedient. So a machine tool operator after ten(s) years of work refuses to pass to a new machine tool, though it is of more precision, more productive, etc. So a habit to pen can hinder from a computer mastering, despite of its (potential) advantages, etc.
   So also, an aiming (by D.N. Uznadze/Ä.Í. Óçíàäçå, 1887-1950), can be considered as resistance of astralum structures to new thoughts, to impressions, due to inertance, due to their passive influence on mentalum of the aiming person-bearer. For this reason to correct a reputation is more difficult, than to acquire a positive one initially.
   In principle, the same nature has involition too: it is insufficient concentration of thought-intention, insufficient – in order to overcome inert resistance of competitive emotion (to create/induce emotion, more powerful, than the competitive one).
   Existence of such a kind feedbacks can generate vicious (stricter – spiral) cycles of development, progress, evolution (more detailes about it are in part II). In particular, for example: an outline sketch – a result of designer's thought – can become a fulcrum for concentration of his thought at the next workup with the project.     è

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