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Part II
            (PSYCHE and SUPERPSYCHE)
      Chapter 7.
                  (Mehanisms of evolution)

    7.5.   WHAT is coded in DNA

è     Existance of feedbacks between hypersubstances, as it has been already noted in s-n 5.7, can lead to formation of the closed causal circuit and to an possibility of spiral-kind development, to gradual complication of the matter and, in particular, to evolution of biological species.
    So, a human germ E has first gills Eg (their rudiments), which disappear later E(g+1). The astralum body with lungs EΛA, which is necessary to form the physical body EΛP with lungs, cannot be generated at once on the base of physical body of the earlier stage E(g–1)P of development (still not having gills): this base, this physical fulcrum is insufficiently powerful informatively complex in order to form EΛA with lungs.
    More widely: at each stage i of embryo E development its body Ei P (more exact – its organism Ei Vtotal of Ei P and EiAan element of vivum V), in particular its DNA (about which existence was still not known during A.G. Gurvich's/À.Ã. Ãóðâè÷ creation of the Biofield Theory [ 33 ]), is/becomes a fulcrum for activization just that mentalum Ei+1)M (that information) which in due time (in phylogenesis) promoted transition to the next ( i+1 ) stage of evolution and which, forms now, in ontogenesis, the astralum body Ei+1)A, promoting, in its turn (after Ei+1)M), corresponding ( i+1 ) morphological form Ei+1)P of embryo E.
    To speak hardly shorter: an organism's (of ÅV) egreger ξ Å directing its (of ÅV) development (in its usual/conservative variant) develops itself, passes to the subsequent forms (phases of development), using already received/reached physical forms ÅP as a base/fulcrum for these transitions. Thus ontogenetic development (in its usual/conservative variant) goes after the way repeating phylogenesis.
    Nevertheless DNA contains a code not of a ready/rigid program for forming of body ("morphology") ÅP of organism ÅV of an individual Å of a species, but contains a code of its () egregor's Ξ self-teaching/attainment history in phylogenesis, which (the code of history) is used by its ( ÅV) egreger ξ Å for self-teaching/attainment in ontogenesis of ÅV.
    An egregor Ξ solves its evolutionary problems like as a mathematician from a joke about variants of a hard-boiled egg making - as about a problem with different entry data:
• if there are a uncooked egg, a pot, water and fire,
  •• so both a physicist, and a mathematician solve the problem equally - they say: it is necessary to fill the pot and the egg in it with the water and to put them on the fire;
• but if the pot is already filled with water, their strategies become different:
  •• the physicist solves a new problem, and he puts the pot on fire at once,
  •• while the mathematician say: it is necessary to pour the water out - and so the problem is reduced to the previous one.
    Meanwhile P.P. Garjaev/Ï.Ï. Ãàðÿåâ and E.A. Leonova/Å.À. Ëåîíîâà write with undisguised surprise [ 27 p. 73]:

   It was found out, that information are synthesized first in the form of predecessors of huge length, and only then, as a result of complex process, so-called splicing, fragments of the hundreds and thousand times smaller sizes are isolated from predecessors which just become matrices for fibers.

    In the fact that a butterfly appears not from an egg as a chicken, but from a chrysalid, does not present (biological) expediency (as well as in synthesis of RNA predecessors of huge length), giving survival advantages to it (a butterfly) today as it would be possible to suppose, grounding directly upon the Darwin's principle of natural selection, but this fact reflects expediency, taken place many millions years ago.
    This following of ontogenesis after phylogenesis, recurrence in ontogenesis of phylogenetic characteristic features and stages, can be admitted as extending upon the whole objective world which constitutes hierarchy of complication of objects uniting in themselves more simple objects. An organism is association (symbiosis) of cells (unicellates which have lost their universality and independence, but got protection from the organism, and specificity, thin specialization); a cell is association of molecules; a molecule – of atoms. The chain can both be continued in both sides (a population, as well as biocenosis, consists of organisms; an atom – of elementary particles), and be detailed (organism consists of organs; a cell – of organoids).
    Evolution of a species, its development, complication occurs not so much under the control of Darwin's natural selection, as under controlling (primary, active, directing) influence of its (species') egregor.
    As to natural selection, which is by Ch.R. Darwin (1809-82) the unique (!) reason of species evolution, so it plays only the secondary (passive and conservative) role in this process, cutting unsuccessful (noncompetitive) branches, variants of evolution.
    V.I. Vernadsky's/Â.È. Âåðíàäñêèé (1863-1945) thesis about transition of the biosphere [at some stage (!) of its development] into the noosphere should be inverted: it is not the biosphere (the total of biological species) which develops, complicates itself, but on the opposite: egregors (total of which is just noosphere) realizing themselves in physicum, initially (!) controlling phylogenesis (directing and supporting it), are embodied as biosphere, generate and develop it.     è

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