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Part II
            (PSYCHE and SUPERPSYCHE)
      Chapter 8.
            Super- and Out-of-PERSONAL EFFECTS

    8.2.   MEMORY and INTELLECT

è     Prediction, an intuitive forecast, may be interpreted as a special case of memory – as memory of the future; and the memory in its usual understanding may be interpreted as a special case of clairvoyance – as ability to receive information from UDI about one's own previous experiences, impressions, thoughts. The biological expediency of memory is, that it (memory) is a necessary element, an essential part of mechanisms for avoiding mistakes, for adequate reaction to vital situations and circumstances.

    An organism (fig. 16), possessing only genetic (species) memory, or, that the same, stable and stiff (but/on the other hand reliable) connections with its egregor, is capable only of unconditioned (by I.P. Pavlov) reflexes (instincts). Organism has the fact memory or memory of the separate elementary facts, actual for life-support.

    A creature, forming its own, individual connections with UDI (besides the species ones), has access to the information on concrete situations from its own past, about corresponding emotional states, about corresponding ways of its behaviour (preacts), that facilitates its optimization (of behaviour). An essence has the individual situation memory besides the species fact one.
    A person has the intellectual kind of memory besides the fact and situation ones. It is an ability to keep active using/thinking of several recollections simultaneously, ability to put on/make active new connections with UDI in addition to already active ones, without blocking them. The more connections are active simultaneously, the more parallel thoughts are accessible to a person, the more flexible his thinking is (instead of primitive, poor, rectilinear), the higher his intellectual level is.

    Memory (its continuity) is the only person's base which make it possible to identify himself. It is possible to change one's appearance, to replace all atoms of one's body, etc. But if his memory has been kept, the person understands, that this new body with new appearance belongs just to him, that he remains to be himself.
    In principle, memory of some other person is accessible too. A good fortuneteller can remind to a client even something, what he could not recollect self-dependently. But such activization of connections with zones of UDI, containing information of another's experience, does not break (usually) borders between persons: another's recollection passes on a background of an operator's own memory, not merging with it, remaining detached. Remembering about an event, we always know, whether with us it occurred (or we observed it from the side). Being participants of money handing, we remember properly, who remains a debtor and to whose.
    The memory phenomenon is closely connected to associations. Mainly on them means/methods of mnemonics (of deliberate/purposeful memorization) are based. Association is a change of one thought by another, close to the first in its sense/meaning/orientation. A thought change is a switching of attention from one information on another, is blocking of one connections with UDI, and activization of another. Such a switching demands psyche efforts, demands energy expenses. Therefore a switching to the similar, close, related information is more probable because it is more economical energetically: they are closer to each other in mentalum structure, in the continuum of ÂM hypersubstance. Near transition is easier than distant. Similarly (concerning intuition, in particular – predictive): For subconsciousness [more likely: for superconsciousness – À.Ì.] it is easier to answer your question, than to think up something (Lora Day [ 154, page 202]). Really, the right answer is informally closer to a question, than the false answer, and the more so, than the stranger (not to the point at all). Association by contrast are not exception too: the information, contrast by sense, is nevertheless close, related by the theme.
    Reception of some necessary information from UDI occurs (mainly, more often, if not always) by means/with intermediary, not without of an egregor help. Yes, the information of a patient's AP magnitude exists in UDI, irrespective of an operator's egregor, because this magnitude exists. But in the fact that this magnitude is read out from UDI just in millimeters of a mercury column, neither in technical atmospheres, bars, nor any other pressure unit, intermediary/trusteeship of an egregor is demonstrated.
    Improvement of memory is possible in two directions – the active by trainings with application mnemonics of all three levels (physical – impellent, including speech; astral – emotional; mental – intellectual), and passive counting upon the help of an egregor – up to fall (active, purposeful) into a trance.
    A child (as a rule) consistently passes in its ontogenesis the stages of phylogenetic mastering of situational and intellectual memory, i.e. stages of ability to create and use corresponding connections with UDI, which is proved about, in particular, that a person does not remember of his early childhood, and especially of infancy.     è

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