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Part II
            (PSYCHE and SUPERPSYCHE)
      Chapter 9.


     Postincarnat's memory of living preincarnat's life should be considered as the memory of his own life in another physical body, but not as a memory of the other person's life, because the memory and only the memory can serve the base for self-identification (see sect. 8.2).
    At that, reincarnation can be considered as construcing of a new physical body by an aggrger for itself, and reproducing of damages, received by a preincarnat during his lifetime in postincarnat's body (and, probably, had been leading him to death), - as a physical embodiment of those distortions of preincarnat's astral body, followed these traumas.
    There is a lot of convincing evidences on the facts of reincarnation. So, though Dr. Stevenson's researches results are unique – on their obvious persuasiveness, on such parameter๛ as speed of reincarnation (in much shorter period than generations change period), as physical material evidence confirming reliability of postincarnant's memory – these researches are not unique inherently at all. More likely is on the contrary.
    More likely, each person bears in himself (hidden till a time) both a weight of traumas (including physical ones) and a set of skills (talents and/or inherent gifts) from former incarnations. This statement is close to Lamarck's idea (Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, 1744-1829) about inheritance of the obtained traits, showing,
• that it (this idea) does not contradict statements of genetics
• that two hereditary mechanisms act in parallel
   •• physical material (genetic, base, background, bearing the information of a species, of its aggregor) is inherited from parents,
   •• metaphysical material (individual, additional to specific, bearing the aggreger's information) is inherited (at least can be transferred) from preincarnat (but not from parents – as Lamarck considered).
    Beyond-genetic transfer of features/attributes is well-known to cattle breeders, selectors. A white female can bring spotty posterity not only from black male, but also from male so white as she herself, if before it she brought already posterity from a black one and irrespective of that, whether the former, previous posterity was spotty too or it was faultlessly white.
    Possibly (the author has no experimental data, confirming this), the more intelligent was a preincarnat the more independent is its aggreger concerning the aggregor and the greater measure/role of preincarnat's individuality is in postincarnat's development.     

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