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To Christmas Reading, Jan. 1998



    1. The therm of psyche obsession is meant a conflict inside of psyche: person's emotions contradict his own common sense.
    Obsession appears in person's different attitude to the same events, situations etc., dependently on whether they are his own or some other's. Someone isn't smoking – there is nothing to trouble of, but there is ME who isn't smoking – it's just a nightmare..
    Such a defect can be considered
        – either as a defect of the whole, as distortion of the entire psyche
        – or as adding of something new, superfluous to the normal psyche, as adding of disobedient emotion, not adequate to the reason.
    2. Ethical problem at liberation from this superfluous appears (emerges, is realized), if to attitude to psyche not as to one of organism's functions, and the youngest function, but as to self-dependent reality, and the reality which is the organism's base, its skeleton, its structure controlling it.
    3. Such an approach allows to see in obsession (or in diabolism) self-dependent psychical essence, comparatively primitive – essences of sufficiently high level are not engaged to parasitize, doesn't become obsessions, – but nevertheless possessing autonomy, capable to choose its behavior, and even to resist acutely against tries to liberate from it.
    Working with obsession as with just self-dependent essence gives huge practical advantages, particularly allows to relieve a patient from it in a few minutes, even if an obsession suffered him for dozens of years.
    4. ETHICAL PROBLEM is to choose the liberation strategy. Two different in principle ways are possible which lead to seemingly equal results – to liberation of a patient.
    5. One of them is traditional, which, as far as the author knows, the Orthodox Church adheres to, is exorcism, expel, cutting a possession off. At this way only the local situation, concerning a concrete patient, changes. But in general, globally, quantity of evil doesn't diminish – if to admit obsession as evil. And to do it the consideration compels that a necessary condition on a human way to the global aim of his life, to spirit perfection, to God, (and sometimes, perhaps, also end in itself) is personal inner spirit liberty.
    6. The alternative way, developed and used by the author is transformation, at which an obsession changes all its parameters, traits, and either leaves a patient by itself, or becomes a positive, supporting him factor. The situation changes globally: the "evil" is not expelled, doesn't look after that a new victim, butt becomes a "good".
    Certainly, an obsession of each separate patient is merely a drop in sea of "evil", nevertheless not so much the quantative side of the matter is important, but the qualitive one. The methodical strategy is changed, direction from "evil" to "good" arises. One who hobbles in right direction will leave behind another who runs but lost his way.
    And more, out of ethics, on the tactic level, not strategic one: exorcism challenges negative reaction, resistance of expellee (a force inevitably provokes opposition [1]). Transformation occurs as a synergism, painlessly, and it demands from a healer less offers, which give more results. A method – VitLib – of obsession transformation is included by the author in his destined for physicians PRACTICUM of psi-technique medicine, and described in his monograph Fundamental psychology (1996).
    7. The VitLib method was born on not entirely bare place; an idea of it arose at analysis of some shortcomings of excellent in general WHOLE-DYNAMICS by American (USA) psychologist V. Woolf.


1. Øóöêèé Þ.Ê. Êèòàéñêàÿ êëàññè÷åñêàÿ "Êíèãà ïåðåìåí" / Chinese classical "Book of changes".– Ì. : Èçä-âî âîñò. ëèò., 1960.– 424 ñ.

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