ACTION [AGO, ÄÅÉÑÒÂÈÅ] – physcal component of activity (see hierarhy); totality of active movings.
ACUPUNCTURE [AKUPUNKTURO, ÀÊÓÏÓÍÊÒÓÐÀ] – a therapeutic system (method, means) of ancient Chinese origins, basing upon its own philosophical views, using mechanical (pricking, chgehenj), thermal (cauterization, tszu), light (laser) and other kinds of physical influence upon BAP, including massage (acupressing); BAP can be used in healing too.
*AGGREGER [EGREGERO, ÝÃÐÅÃÅÐ] – a component of an aggregîr, concerning an individual.
AGGREGOR [AGREGORO, ÝÃÐÅÃÎÐ] – mentalum essence (unit, person), a carrier of an idea of some property (properties, kinds) of multitude (or association) of homogeneous (concerning this very property) individuals; over-, super-individual personification of the idea and of the multitude; a carrier and realizer of its tendetions; A. is always some more than totality of its aggregers, like as a man is some more than totality of his body's cells, as mankind is more than totality of all human beings.
ANGER [KOLERO, ÃÍÅÂ] – emotion of active, aggressive discontent, indignation, protest.
ANGUISH [ANGORO, ÒÎÑÊÀ] – emotion of the second order: discontent because of deficiency in positive emotions.
*ANTIPLACEBO [ANTIPLACEBO, ÀÍÒÈÏËÀÖÅÁÎ] – objectively neutral influence giving deterioration of health in some cases.
An example of À.: forecast of adverse time periods (for instance, by Viacheslav Khasnoollin, on Russian broadcast).
APORT [APORTO, ÀÏÎÐÒ] – unmaterialization (see. psychokinesis)
ARCANUM [ARKANO, ÀÐÊÀÍ] (clandestine knowledge) – 78 cards-pictures-arcana (TARO) symbolize fundamental knowledge of dialectic laws of Being, representing full, universal, self-sufficient ideology; 22 of "big TARO" contain a great manyof important details and symbolize (besides other) 22 letters of Hebrew alphabet; they are used in mantic (divination, divining) procedures; 56 cards of "small TARO" are widely known as playing ones.
ART [ARTO, ÈÑÊÓÑÑÒÂÎ] – a sphere of creative activity, exceeding the sever bounds of scientific guidelines (compare with craft).
ASTRALUM [ASTRALO, ÀÑÒÐÀË] (àstràl – star) –
a component of metaphysicum; the middle of three hypersubstancies (strata, levels, plans) in the hierarchy of matter (hyperphydicum, Being, Nature); À. is a source and former for physicum; in its turn À. is the object for mentalum influences, is concentrator and bearer of these influences; therefore actually each astralum object is metaphysical; like as substance is concentrate (a clot) of energy, so À. is concentrate of mentalum; À. is the medium, bearer and keeper of psyche images; the term À. is European analog of Indian prana, Chinese tsy, Japanes cky, analog of Hellenic eterne alive fire, Z. Freud's libido, K. Jung's psychic enegy etc; À. is more various qualitatively than physicum; the simplest example of À. qualities may be inj and yan of the Chinese tsy; there aren't exact boundaries between; À. and both physicum and mentalum strata of Being; on the other hand each of the strata may be divided (conditionally!) to some number of substrata; the latter may become a cause for misunderstandings: it's known that the terms astral and mental are used as definitions for some strata (substrata, shels) of a human bring's astralum body. ©ASMarkon PSYCHE SURVIVAL®2001
ASTRALUM BODY, AsB, ANIMA, ASTROSOMA [ASTROSOMO, ÀÑÒÐÎÑÎÌ] (swma – soma) – dynamic but stable astralum object, incarnation of a mentalum object (idea) into the astralum level; each physical body has its AsB; AsB of human being (of any organism) is an energy skeleton (templet) of his physical body.
science and art of description, and also prevision, of dependence of real (in physical stratum) events on astralum influences by means of both
• real astronomic events – as planets' moving along the Zodiac (A. considers the Sun as a planet too), as planets' mutual disposition, as Moon's phases, and
• specific symbolism – as homes (fields), zodiac signs, aspects, as movement of planets which are not known to observation astronomy;
specal sections of A.: personality A., karma A., medicine A. etc.
ATTENTION [ATENTO, ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ] – process and result of mentalum-astralum interaction of a subject of A. and of an object A., mainly – getting of information by the subject from the object; A. can be spontaneous/involuntary (provoked, attracted by the object itself) or voluntary (managed from the side of subject’s mens).
*Controlling A. – A. of the second order: A. to one’s own A. [according to Ï.ß. Ãàëüïåðèí / P. Galperin – any A. is a control].
AURA [AŬRO, ÀÓÐÀ ] (àurà – a whiff) - outer part of astrosoma which overflows out of the physical body edges.
AURICULOTHERAPY [AŬRICLOTERAPIO, ÀÓÐÈÊÓËÎÒÅÐÀÏÈß] – a variant of acupuncture using BAPs of the cochlea.
AUTO-TRAINING [AŬTOTREJNO, ÀÓÒÎÒÐÅÍÈÍÃ ] – simplest variants of self-hypnosis (see hypnosis).
AVARICE [AVARECO, ÑÊÓÏÎÑÒÜ ] – a form of egoism: a tendency of behaviour, an aspiration to have as much as possible.
BAP [BAP, ÁÀÒ] – Biologically Active Point on a surface of an individual body; BAPs are located in crossing of energy channels with a body surface; BAPs are mainly located along the most powerful acupuncture channels (meridians).
BEDEVILING [DIFEKTAGO, ÏÎÐ×À] – harming, made purposely and professionally .
Being [Esto, ÁÛÒÈÅ] – the notion designating total representation about all existing, about universe in its full completeness; unlike the accepted now Cartesian philosophy which opposes B. with consciousness, here B.includes it in itself as any objective reality, as something existing.
BIOFIELD [BIOKAMPO, ÁÈÎÏÎËÅ], Biological Field – a
metaphysicum component of an object;
the term of B. is entered into academic science by A.G. Gurvich (at 1923-44 ) as the syncretic concept, WITHOUT distinction between astralum and mentalum, as the concept about an extra-physical (or super-physical) component of an alive object, which operates its physical component; the term is vicious (contra-constructive, contra-productive) because it presumes (by default) that the B. is possessed ONLY by alive objects, which is incorrect.
BRAHMA [BRAHMO, ÁÐÀÕÌÀÍ] (by B.L. Smirnov [Á.Ë. Ñìèðíîâ Ôèëîñîôñêèå òåêñòû "Ìàõàáõàðàòû". Âûï. 1, êí. 1. Áõàãàâàäãèòà.– Àøõàáàä : Ûëûì, 1978.– 336 ñ.] – Brahmo) [BRAHMO, ÁÐÀÕÌO] – God in joga's terminology.
CATHARSIS [KATARSO, ÊÀÒÀÐÑÈÑ] – (καθαρσιζ – purgation) – active (deliberate/provoked or spontaneous) experience (procedure, process) of a situation (real or imagined one), causing negative emotions, the main from which is the pity to oneself; as a rule, external display of this activity are tears; concentration on the emotion conducts to separation of its astralum body, in a usual condition distributed (disseminated, smeared) in subject's ÀsB, to its activization, dynamism and to allocation, emission (exteration – partial or full, provisory or for ever) from subject's ÀsB, i.e. conducts to its purgation ("purgation by tears").
CCS / CHANGED Consciousness State [ŜKS, ÈÑÑ] – deviation from the norm, from usual active state, which isn't a patology: person's abilities are not worse than in the norm; in CCS individual mentalum functions not (quite) independently; CCS can arise spontaneously (for example, hallucination); CCS are used (wittingly, intentionally) for many methods of psi-technique (for example, hypnosis, trance).
CHIROLOGY, chiromancy [ĤIROLOGIO, ÕÈÐÎËÎÃÈß] (χειρ – hand) – a science of chiromancy.
CHIROMANCY [ĤIROLOMANTIO, ÕÈÐÎÌÀÍÒÈß] (χειρ – hand) – an art of information getting, concerning a person, using his palm form, figures of its leather as a fulcrum; a special case of clairvoyance; C. is closely connected with astrology.
process and/or ability to get information from UDI; particular kinds of C. are: extravisualizing, extrahearing etc, and also retroscopia (knowing of the past) and proscopia (knowing of the future).
CONCENTRATION [CONCENTRACIO, ÊÎÍÖÅÍÒÐÀÖÈß] – deliberate, intentional, with a definite aim, directing of attention upon an object of C.
CONJURATION, INCANTATION, SPELL [SORĈPAROLO, ÇÀÊËÈÍÀÍÈÅ] – a magic operation, using a word, a text, its meaning and sound as a fulcrum.
CONSCIENCE [KONSCIENCO, ÑÎÂÅÑÒÜ] – the inner, intuitive judge, evaluating the justice of one's (subject's) behavior; the notion of justice is social (mainly) and ambiguous.
CONSCIOUSNESS [KONSCIO, ÑÎÇÍÀÍÈÅ] – ability to perceive reality (to ascertain its existence, to create its image, to analyse it), outer concerning the C. (in contrast with self-consciousness); also a process of such a perception; a person state, corresponding to the juridical formula to be of sound mind and exact memory; a psyche part, responsible for the ability.
CONTIGUITY [ASOCIO, ÀÑÑÎÖÈÀÖÈß] – appearance of a thought by association; activization (a processs and its result) of a link channel with UDI, inducted [either spontaneously or purposely (for memorizing)] by activity of another channel (owing to another thought).
CRAFT [METIO, ÐÅÌÅÑËÎ] – sphere of skills in limits of traditions, of former experience, of scientific recommendations.
CREATION [KREADO, ÒÂÎÐ×ÅÑÒÂÎ] – process (activity) of interaction between an individual and UDI, accompanied enrichment of UDI.
CREATURE [ESTAĜO, ÑÓÙÅÑÒÂÎ] – an individual which doesn't posses self-consciousness, whose mentalum level is primitive comparatively with the human's one (the common, everyday and psychological equivalent to the biological term of organism).
DAO [DAO, ÄÀÎ] (way, stream) –
the term of the Chinese philosophy (Taoism): the totality of tendencies of development of Being; the term, by its capacity and dimension, corresponds to the concept of God.
DEATH [MORTO, ÑÌÅÐÒÜ] – dis-incarnation; process and result of an individual division/separating into psyche and physical body; D. comes in the moment, when potentialities of spirit development, perfection in present incarnation are exhausted.
DESTINY [SORTO, ÑÓÄÜÁÀ] – in this Russian term – ñóäüáà – a connexion of D. with conscience and karma is reflected.
DEVIL [DIABLO, ÄÜßÂÎË] – totality of aggregors, on the one hand – hindering to achieve aims which are essentially the sense (reason and motive) for a human being life, on the other hand – making a ground, stimuli for efforts in moving to the aims (and for struggle against D.); therefore D. – is a relative reality; D. – is a part, is some aspect of God – of the absolute reality.
DHARMA [DĤARMO, ÄÕÀÐÌÀ] – joga's term: the base of the world order; as applied to an individual, D. is his destination, and also its realization; righteousness.
the base (general-science) methodological approach to reality exploration, to evaluation of verity (or falsity) of opinions about it (including opinions about oneself as its part), the approach admitting attributively and a priori
• primacy of a fact (observation, experiment) before an opinion about it (evaluation of it),
• internal contradictory of the nature, variability of its elements, as well as of knowledge about this (ñð. dogmatism ).
any infringement of an individual health, a deviation of his status beyond the norm bounds;
more definitely and narrow, as a nosology unit – a typical state, dynamic of which depends (if medical help is absont) on interaction of a miasma and/or other harmful influences with an individual personality.
DISTANT phenomenon (DP) [DISTANTA fenomeno, ÄÈÑÒÀÍÒÍÛÉ ôåíîìåí] – a physical event which has no physical reason (i.e. which has metaphysical reasons).
DIVINATION [DIVENAGO, ÃÀÄÀÍÈÅ] – forms of clairvoyance using of various auxiliary remedies like wax, coffee ground, cards, texts, pendulum etc as a fulcrum.
DOGMATISM [DOGMISMO, ÄÎÃÌÀÒÈÇÌ] – methodological principle: truth of an information is defined by a range of its source authority; appraisal of authority is as a rule ambiguous (ñð. practice).
DREAM [SONĜO, ÑÍÎÂÈÄÅÍÈÅ] – perception by a sleeping person of astralum objects and/or events; D. may be a result of incomplete, or even whole, exteration of his astrasoma.
EGOISM [EGOISMO, ÝÃÎÈÇÌ ] (ego – I, me) – a kind of behaviour oriented to attainment of one's own advantages, in particular – over similar individuals; a natural E. can develop into person’s avarice, enviousness, imperiousness.
EIDETISM [EJDETISMO, ÝÉÄÅÒÈÇÌ] – individual psychical peculiarity, ability of bright, realistic reminiscence, practically identical with real perception; very precise reproduction (up to absolute precision), doubling of astralum component of the reproducted object (of its astralum body); it is not less reasonable to attribute the idea of E. towards notion and imagination than towards memory.
ELEMENTALUMS [ELEMENTALOJ, ÝËÅÌÅÍÒÀËÈ] – astralum essences (and their personifications), responsible for processes occuring in physical media: Salamanders are responsible for ether and plasma (and flame), Sylphs for gases (and air), Undines for liquids (and water) and Gnomes for solids.
ELEMENTS *NATURELEMENTS [NATURELEMENTOJ, ÑÒÈÕÈÈ] – symbolic designation of astralum specific kinds and of aggregors, controlling them; E. are traditionally united in complexes, for example: Fire + Earth + Water + Air (Egypt); the same four E. + Ether (Europe); Fire + Earth + Metall + Water + Tree/Wood (Cina), at that, by Chinese conception, every E. is of two kinds – yan and yinj, so Fire-yan is cosmic (the Sun) and Fire-yinj is terrestrial (bonfire).
EMOTION [ENOCIO, ÝÌÎÖÈß ] – a component of individual AsB and/or the state of his astralum (see hierarchy); an image (of the second or some higher level) attributively including non-compromise – positive or negative – evaluation (good¸bad) of the individual's own psyche elements: feelings, images (of the first or of some higher level), experiences, thoughts; E. can be both spontaneous and a purposeful mentalum influence result.
one of the forms of matter, of Being; its physical forms – mechanical (kinetic and potential), thermal, etc. – are actually forms of astralum interactions between physical objects; E. is NOT massive, E. cannot be weighed; massiveness of a (magnetic) field can be calculated basing upon its energy, but it cannot be measured; E. of a spring increases at its compression (stretching), but its weight does not change at that; radiations possess weight, but only weight of movement, so they can be admitted as the transitive, border form of matter between astralum and physicum.
ENJOYMENT [ĜUO, ÍÀÑËÀÆÄÅÍÈÅ] – emotion of the second order: pleasure becaause (from comprehension) of pleasure having.
ENVIOUSNESS [ ENVIEMO, ÇÀÂÈÑÒËÈÂÎÑÒÜ ] – a form of egoism: an emotion and a tendency of behaviour, reflecting aspiration to have more, than others.
ESOTERISM [ESOTERISMO, ÝÇÎÒÅÐÈÇÌ] (εσω – inside) – traditionally veiled systems of knowledge, different ones for different (respective) levels of initiation; number of such levels occurs up to decades (there are 33 stages in the system of freemasonry); in the simplest case there are three of them: pupil – comrade – master.
ESSENCE [ESTULO, ÑÓÙÍÎÑÒÜ]: a mentalum/spirit and/or astralum individual without distinction of whether it is incarnated/embodied or not (compare: creature).
EVIL EYE [MALBONVIDO, ÑÃËÀÇ] – spontaneous harming.
EXORCISM [EKZORCO, ÝÊÇÎÐÖÈÇÌ] – one of terms for different methods of liberation from obsession.
EXOTERISM [EKZOTERISMO, ÝÊÇÎÒÅÐÈÇÌ] (εξω – outside) – open systems of knowledge accessible for ignoramuses.
EXPERIMENT [EKSPERIMENTO, ÝÊÑÏÅÐÈÌÅÍÒ] – planed experience/event (as distinct from science observation) with suppositional result (which is confirmed or refuted by the E ).
*EXTERATION [EKSTERISMO, ÝÊÑÒÅÐÀÖÈß] – process and result of separation of a (part of a) metaphysical component of a hyperphysical object from its physical component; in particular – their spatial division;
in particular –
psyche or its elements removal outwards of an individual’s physical body limits ( cp. with the common term EXTARIORSATION).
EXTERIORISATION [EKSTERIORISMO, ÝÊÑÒÅÐÈÎÐÈÇÀÖÈß] – external/physical displays of internal/psyche/metaphysical processes.
EXTRASENSATION [EKSTRASENSO, ÝÊÑÒÐÀÑÅÍÑÎÐÈÊÀ] – totality of notions concerned individual ability to percept information "super-sensitively", i.e. immediately, besides the five classical organs of sense.
FAITH [KREDO, ÂÅÐÀ] – certainty of the God reality as result of own experience and/or as formal trust to religions authorities.
FANTASY [FANTAZIO, ÔÀÍÒÀÇÈß] – a process and its result of forming (making) of only mental images, only in sphere of mentalum, without astralum confirmation; psyche activity remaining fruitless.
emotion of suppressed anger, of feebleness at anger (compare: fright
rational F. (misgiving) – emotion component of negative evaluation of future;
irrational F. (panic) –
reaction of AsB to deficit of information or/and result of inefficiency of mentalum control upon AsB.
*FEAR-of-FEAR – see phobophobia.
FORCE [FORTO, ÑÈËÀ] – metaphysical object: F. is non-inertia, not massive, is weightless; the weight is a force, but the weight cannot be weighed, only a physical BODY can be weighed.
Force FIELD [KAMPO, ÏÎËÅ] – metaphysical object: this is an abstract (mental) notion about a set of (metaphysical) forces in (metaphysical) space, which (forces) arise only in case of occurrence in it (in this field) of a physical (another, "new" regarding this field) object, but do not exist constantly and independently ("in themselves").
FORTUITY [HAZARDO, ÑËÓ×ÀÉÍÎÑÒÜ] – occultism rejects this notion; it supposes a priori that any event is determinated, and if it cannot find reasons in physical level of Being, it searches for them in astralum and/or mentalum levels.
FRIGHT [EKTIMO, ÈÑÏÓÃ] – a state or a component of AsB, an emotional reaction to an immediate threat – real or merely imaginary one (compare fear).
*FULCRUM [APOGPUNKTO, ÎÏÎÐÍÀß ÒÎ×ÊÀ] – any object, promoting the process (facilitating it, accelerating, activating etc.) of concentration of mentalum (information) and/or astralum (energy) at their incarnation into (respectively) astralum and/or physicum; in particular – an object, used by magician-operator as a concentrator of astralum of definite (necessary) quality.
*FUNDAMENTAL psychology [*FUNDAMENTA psikologio, *ÔÓÍÄÀÌÅÍÒÀËÜÍÀß ïñèõîëîãèÿ] – a part of the hyperphysical materialism, dealing with personality (see PARAPSYCHOLOGY).
GHOST [VIZIO, ÏÐÈÇÐÀÊ] – an astralum object possessing – spontaneously and temporarily – of energy concentration level enough for percepting it (the object) by means of physical sense organs.
God [Dio, Áîã] – all-embracing principle, source and cause of Being self-evolution, and also personalization(s) of the principle (ñð. Devil);
G. can be represented (described) as the triple unity of the hierarchically interconnected levels of Being: •
mentalum one – mentalum – Reason ("Supreme", "Universe" one etc, or UDI) – Thought / Idea – Word (it is possible an analogy of this level with Christian concept of God-father); •
astralum one – astralum – Love (The God is love [1 Èí, 4,16]) – Form – Quality (it is possible an analogy of this level with Christian concept of Holy Spirit); •
physical one – physicum – Nature/Universe – Flesh (it is possible an analogy of this level with Christian concept of God-son)
HALLUCINATION [HALUCINO, ÃÀËËÞÖÈÍÀÖÈß] – psychiatric term for perception of astralum objects; so, healer self-diagnosis is qualified as the "visceral H.";
essentially, H. is an astralum object, observed by a person spontaneously, or created by him advisedly, but got out of his control (cp. phantom, ghost).
joy of the second grade; reflected joy: joy becouse of feeling joy and/or shared joy, in particular through aggregor;
– a state of individ's harmony: coordination, balance of all the three levels of his Being both with each other and with outer world;
– feelings of prosperity (but not obligatory serenity) and of own behaviour propriety are atributive to H.
HARMING [DIFEKTISMO, ÂÐÅÄÈÒÅËÜÑÒÂÎ] – art of negative mentalum or mentalum-astralum influence, analogus to the healing methodically and opposite to it at aims.
HEALER [SALUBRISTO, ÖÅËÈÒÅËÜ] – medico, using mentalum-astralum influences upon his patient; synonyms: sorcerer, witch-doctor, shaman, extrasensory person (a H.-diagnostician).
HEALING, *HEALINGART [SALUBRISMO, ÖÅËÈÒÅËÜÑÒÂÎ] – psi-technique, esoteric or occult medicine, science and art of treatment by means of immediate influence (without means of physical nature) upon patient through his psyche; greatly differs (in few points – in principle, but NOT antagonistically) from academic medicine; synthesis of them into the united, integrative medicine promises qualitative progress of people health protection.
HEALTH [SANO, ÇÄÎÐÎÂÜÅ] – individual's normal state; medicine has not clear criteria for norm.
HIERARCHY [HIERARKIO, ÈÅÐÀÐÕÈß] of BEING components and of an individual components – see the scheme.
HOMEOPATHY [HOMEOPATIO, ÃÎÌÅÎÏÀÒÈß] (omoioV – similar, padoV – sense, suffering, disease) –
medicine branch using each of its drugs only as a bearer of àstralum of definite quality, inherent for the drug initial substance; H. formulates this as two principles differing it from allopathy (alloV – other):
• a similar treats the similar, i.e. a disease's symptomatology is eliminated with the help of drug, made from that very initial substance, which makes this very symptomatology, if a healthy person uses it (as a medicine) in big quantity, and
• the greater is degree of dilution (potentiation/strengthening!) of an initial substance the greater is theropeutic effect.
HYLOZOISM [HILOZOISMO, ÃÈËÎÇÎÈÇÌ] (ulh – matter, zwh – life), PANPSYCHISM (pan – all) –
philosophy doctrine admitting animate character of everything, i.e. that any physical object contains its metaphysical component.
*HYPERPHYSICS [HIPERFIZIKO, ÃÈÏÅÐÔÈÇÈÊA] – scienco about hyperphysicum.
*HYPERPHYSICUM [HIPERFIZIKUMO, ÃÈÏÅÐÔÈÇÈÊÓÌ] – totality of metaphysicum and physicum – all the three strata (levels, plans) of Being.
*HYPERSUBSTANCE – [HIPERSUBSTANCO, ÃÈÏÅÐÑÓÁÑÒÀÍÖÈß] – matter of a certain category; criteria for H-es qualitative differentiation (compare substance):
• mentalum – mentalum objects possess only information, and are commensurable only with abstract thoughts/ideas;
• astralum – astralum objects possess also form (and other spatial attributes), and are commensurable with images;
• physicum – to physical objects also inertia is inherent (they are massive: energy objects – radiations and force fields – possess mass of movement, the substance possesses also mass of movelessness/rest).
HYPNOSIS, HYPNOTIC state [HIPNOTO, ÃÈÏÍÎÇ] – intentional CCS, in which the momentary physical reality is more or less ignored; at that the dominant role is turned to metaphysical reality; H. can be both passive or active (autohypnosis).
IATROGENIA [JATROGENIO, ßÒÐÎÃÅÍÈß] (ιατροζ – physician) –
harming made by a medic (in particular by a healer), mainly because of imprudence, mainly through words, language.
IDEA [IDEO, ÈÄÅß] – an element of mentalum, a mentalum unit, a potencial source for physical reality (an incarnated I.); super-individual thought.
abstract concept about perfection of an object or an event; in principle I. is individual, nevertheless practically is social.
IDEALISM [IDEALISMO, ÈÄÅÀËÈÇÌ] – common name for different philosophic world views, all of which are differentiated from materialism.
a person who doesn't enter on a way of iniciation, esoterism yet (see initiation).
ILLUSION [ILUZIO, ÈËËÞÇÈß] – a mistake of perception.
IMAGE [IMAGERO, ÎÁÐÀÇ] (of the perception, notion, imagination) – an astralum object, an element of an individual's AsB,
• reproducing/copying (repeating more or less precisely) astralum features of percepted (physical) by an individual reality – a perception I., or
• reproducing traits (astralum elements), common to multitude of separat perceptions, and ignoring traits, different to them – a notion I., or
• created/produced by an individual's mentalum – an imagination I. (an I. of reality, not incarnated into physicum, of pseudo-reality).
• I. of action – see preact
IMAGINATION [IMAGO, ÂÎÎÁÐÀÆÅÍÈÅ] – creation of (and ability to create, to form, to synthesize) an image of reality which has been not carried out physically (of pseudo-reality), creation (as distinct from vain fantasy) of I. object astralum body; a particular case of an incarnation.
IMPERIOUSNESS [POTENCEMO, ÂËÀÑÒÍÎÑÒÜ] – a form of egoism: a tendency of behaviour (and emotions) reflecting an aspiration to get everything and to deprive others of this; I. can turn out a kind of obsesson concerned with vampirism: an oppressor, in process of subjugating, feeds on his victim's energy/astralum.
*IMPULSE [IMPULSO, ÏÎÐÛÂ] – inducement to action; a part, an astralum component of readiness; I. can either be induced by intention or arise in AsB spontaneously (see volition, preact) (comp. jerk).
INCARNATION [INKARNO, ÂÎÏËÎÙÅÍÈÅ] – a base mechanism of evolution; process and result of concentration of mentalum and its transition (transformation) into astralum (information into energy), and then analogously of astralum into physicum; in particular, I. of spiritual essence into living flesh (see also spirit, life, spiritualism, sacrament).
astralum essence (in masculine form; SECCUB – in female one) with sex-aggressive behaviour; a kind of larva.
INFORMATION [INFORMO, ÈÍÔÎÐÌÀÖÈß] – ontologically (objectively): the matter of the specifical (definite) quality, mentalum component, substance of Being;
– from gnoseologic (anthropocentric) point of view : separate elements and totality of everything that is known, and/or could be known, and/or will be known.
INITIATION [INICIO, ÈÍÈÖÈÀÖÈß] – act of joining of ignoramus (see esoterism); in I. rituals physical fulcrums are widely used (circumcision, baptism with water etc).
INSIGHT, Gåstàlt [HEŜTALTO, ÃÅØÒÀËÜÒ] – integral perception image, a part of an I. subject's astralum body; a copy (enough exact, adequate) of percepted object's astralum body.
INSPIRATION [INSPIRO, ÂÄÎÕÍÎÂÅÍÈÅ] – the state of creative activity, similar entirely to descent of the Holy Spirit, the mentalum-astralum contact with UDI.
INSTINCT, unconditioned reflex [INSTINKTO, ÈÍÑÒÈÍÊÒ] –
automatism of behaving supported by astrosoma's elements, which are formed during prenatal period on the base of heredity as species experiece and/or species memory (ñomðare reflex).
flexibility, insight of mind, multilevel, NOT-one-dimensionality, NOT-rigidity of thinking, ability to use simultaneous, parallel of several memory channels.
thought on forthcoming actions (see. volition); I. includes (a subjective) estimation (prediction) of its realization probability (see resolution).
INTERIORIZATION [INTERIZO, ÈÍÒÅÐÈÎÐÈÇÀÖÈß] – a process of forming of stable elements of AsB, of mastering of notions, knacks, skills etc., transition of them in skimming [by G.W. Hegel (1770-1831) – Aufhåbån] form from the conscious level of personality to unconscious (subconscious).
INTUITION [INTUICIO, ÈÍÒÓÈÖÈß] – spontaneous forms of clairvoyance and optimal acting.
violation of psyche norm at definite (some, concret) conditions/sircumstances: intention is not intensive enough (for its physical realization) –
• to induce/form adequate peract – if the intention arises for the first time, or
• to induce/start already existing preact, or
• to suppress non-adequate preact activating spontaneously contrary to the intention (see volition).
IRIDODIAGNOSTICS [IRISODIAGNOSTIKO, ÈÐÈÄÎÄÈÀÃÍÎÑÒÈÊÀ] (ιριζ – rainbow) – diagnostics using an iris structure.
*IRIDOTHERAPY [IRISOTERAPIO, ÈÐÈÄÎÒÅÐÀÏÈß]– healing influence upon an organ or an organism system through a corresponding iris structure.
JEALOSY [JxALUZO, ÐÅÂÍÎÑÒÜ] – see imperiousness
*JERK [ARDSTREBO, ÐÛÂÎÊ] – unpremeditated action (belongs to the sphere of organism), totality of spontaneous impulse and moving, induced by the impulse.
JOGA [JOGO, ÉÎÃÀ] – totality of philosophical and practical (methodical) systems for (self-)perfection (the source is India), approaching to Brahma, to join to Him.
JOY [ĜOJO, ÐÀÄÎÑÒÜ] – emotion combining both activity (activ state of astralum body) and satisfaction, contentment by oneself or by circumstances.
KARMA [KARMO, ÊÀÐÌÀ] – the ioga's term for total resume of a spirit essence's guilts and merits, sins and feats to Brahhmo or, that is the same, to one's own, resume cumulated by the essence during the chain of his incarnations; nevertheless, Ê. is not only some moving after him from the depth of the past, but that he makes now as well.
KNOWLEDGE [SCIO, ÇÍÀÍÈÅ] – accessible information; K. is unique
• by object, possessing it – individual (personal) K., group (collective) K., scientific K.;
• by time – the volume of this information changes practically continuously;
• by a degree of reliability – this information can correspond to the (in particular – physical) reality or mismatch it.
social (over-individal) system of symbolic reflection of reality by means of terms and notions; word as element of the mentalum level of Being can not only reflect reality of physical level but can also actively influence upon it (conjuration is a particular case of such an influence).
LARVA [LARVO, ËßÐÂÀ] (làrvà – grub, maggot) –
astralum essence-bearer of man's vicious propensity (ability), its astralum personification; one of forms (of causes) of obsession/diabolism..
LIBERTY [LIBERO, ÑÂÎÁÎÄÀ] – person's independence on influences from physical level of Being; only partial and/or temporary L. is possible for an incarnated person.
The internal, personal L. is a norm of psyche state, is obedience of person's astralum only to his mentalum; the state is opposite to obsession.
LIFE [VIVO, ÆÈÇÍÜ] – universal property of Being, which reveals itself
at the mentalum level as eternal L. of the divine principle and of its elements, in particular as human elements – as spirit and intellectual L. of a human being;  
at the astralum level as fullness and variety of experience;
at the physical level as existence (compare: organism);
self-perfecting, approaching to God (compare: yoga) in conditions of physical incarnation can be considered as the sense of a human being L. on the Earth..
universal principle of Being, of its astralum level; L. is based on the unity and harmony of Being; individual's L. is based on feeling of this unity when enjoyment to give pleasure to beloved one is not less than enjoyment to take pleasure; sublevels of individual's L. are:
• mentalum one – L. to global objects – God, Nature, humanity etc;
• astralum one – platonic L., idealization of its object;
• physical one – sensual intimacy as a fulcrun for lofty L. and as physiological means for genus prolongation.
MAGIC [MAGIO, ÌÀÃÈß] – science and art of operating in astralum for getting results in physicum; M. is divided conditionally and without clear-cut borders into the white (beneficial) one and the black (harmful).
MAGIC LINE [MAGIA CxENO, ÌÀÃÈ×ÅÑÊÀß ÖÅÏÜ] – a chain of operators, each of whom (since the first one) feeds energetically the following one (for this purpose a physical contact/touch is enough), and the last one makes a magic operation (ÌÎ); the purpose of ÌL is ÌÎ efficiency increase (see magic).
any active act with deliberate using of astralum; from this viewpoint each act of healing is Ì.Î.; more severely: a procedure with the traits: •
a definite aim; •
definite ritual forms (with using of physical fulcrums) and their definite observance; •
an appeal (call, request, order) to an astralum (mentalum) dweller (dwellers) (see magic).
methods of mechanic medicinal influence; M. is combined well with healing influence.
MANTRÀ [MANTRO, ÌÀÍÒÐÀ] – see conjuration.
MATERIAL [SUBSTANCO, ÂÅÙÅÑÒÂÎ] – something that has its mass of rest (as well as totality of all masses).
MATERIALISM [MATERIISMO, ÌÀÒÅÐÈÀËÈÇÌ] – philosophic world view attributively basing on two statements: •
matter exists objectively and •
practice is a criterion for the truth;
statements of esoterism (occultism) doesn't contradict these two statements;
*hyperphysical Ì. is the author's term for the science, exploring all realities, all strata of Being, but not only the physical one;
dogmatic, vulgar Ì. sharply demarcates two realities – the physical and the psychic – and admit materiality only of the physical one.
MATTER [MATERIO, ÌÀÒÅÐÈß] – any objective reality, t.e. the fact of existence of which doesn't depend on existence of other realities, in particular on existence of its observer, explorer etc.
By V.I. Ulianov (Lenin, 1870-1924): the philosophic category signifying reality, which (the reality) doesn't depend on that, whether a subject cognizes it. This very definition is accepted by nowadays official rational science as the base world outlook notion of M. And already to this (Lenin’s) definition all the three levels of hyperphysicum correspond.
yoga's term for denomination of secondary grade kind of the physical world, strata of Being, of its dependency on metaphysical influences; Ì. is considered as illusive kind of physical world – its relativity, instability, unreliability etc.
MEDICINE [MEDICINO, ÌÅÄÈÖÈÍÀ ] – science and art of keeping, recovering and improving of health.
ACADEMIC [AKADEMIA, ÀÊÀÄÅÌÈ×ÅÑÊÀß] medicine – totality of medical developments accepted for using by official state medicine
ALTERNATIVE [ALTERNATIVA, ÀËÜÒÅÐÍÀÒÈÂÍÀß] medicine – totality of traditional and folk medicines
totality of the alternative medicine methods, used by academic physicians.
ESOTERIC [ESOTERA, ÎÊÊÓËÜÒÍÀß] medicine – see Psi-TECHNIQUE medicine
FOLK [POPOLA, ÍÀÐÎÄÍÀß] medicine – totality of separate medicinal and hygienic methods not used by the state system of health-protection
INTEGRATIVE [INTEGRA, ÈÍÒÅÃÐÀÒÈÂÍÀß] medicine – synthesis, creative combination of academic and alternative medicine methods in united approach to patient's problems.
SPIRITUAL [SPIRITA, ÄÓÕÎÂÍÀß] medicine – see psi-technical medicine
TRADITIONAL [TRADICIA, ÒÐÀÄÈÖÈÎÍÍÀß] medicine – totality of global, self-dependent medical systems of centuries-old experience and traditions, based on their own philosophy, but not used by the state system of health-protection in their original forms; for example, acupuncture, ayurveda.
MEDITATION [MEDITADO, ÌÅÄÈÒÀÖÈß] – addressing toUDI with a definite aim by means of concentration; "purposeful intuition" as distinct from spontaneous intuition and from rational thinking.
MEMORY [MEMORO, ÏÀÌßÒÜ] – ability to reproduce in presence information about the past;
individual's M. is a particular case of clairknowing; is ability to establish and to use (more or less effective) connections with UDI in order to get information about one's own experience (events, feelings, thoughts etc).
*Incentive M. [Stimulanta M., Ïîáóäèòåëüíàÿ Ï.] – M. of the second order: ability to recollect in proper time about necessity to recollect something definite.
*Intellectual M. [Èíòåëëåêòóàëüíàÿ Ï.] – ability to use some M. channels simultaneously – is peculiar only to a human being.
*Situation M. [Ñèòóàöèîííàÿ Ï.] – individual M– is peculiar also to creatures.
*Fact M. [Ôàêòîâàÿ Ï.] – specifies M – is peculiar also to organisms.
MENTALUM [MENTALO, ÌÅÍÒÀË] – (måns – thought, mind) – a component of metaphysicum; informational hypersubstance (see hierarchy, spirit).
The term is used here as "a mentalum component of an individual" too (for brevity): the term "a mentalum body" is unacceptable because mentalum objects have no spatial properties.
METAPHYSICS [METAFIZIKO, ÌÅÒÀÔÈÇÈÊA] – sciens on/about metaphysicum.
To compare: In Marxism-Leninism philosophy Ì. is considered as antidialectical approach to phenomena of reality [Encyclopedia dictionary, Moscow, 1954 (in Russian)].
*METAPHYSICUM [METAFIZIKUMO, ÌÅÒÀÔÈÇÈÊÓÌ], metaphysical ( see ) reality (as distinct from the science of metaphysics) – super-physicum, beyond-physicum, totality of mentalum and astralum (see hierarchy)
MIASMA [MIASMO, ÌÈÀÇÌ] – an aggregor of a disease.
MOVE [MOVO, ÄÂÈÆÅÍÈÅ] – mechanical M. (a process of localization change of a physical object) is attributively connected with physicum, but M. itself is not a physical object; M. is metaphysical as well as space, in which M. is occured.
MYSTICISM [MISTIKO, ÌÈÑÒÈÊÀ] – any event which is not explicable, does not subordinate to cause-and-effect dependences; the notion is extremely ambiguous: that which seens inexplicable to someone, is explicable to another; so, diametrically opposite may be attitude to astrological regularities.
NAS [NAS, ÑÀÍ] – Nowadays Academic Science, the official science, financed by the state.
NOTION [NOCIO, ÏÐÅÄÑÒÀÂËÅÍÈÅ] (about reality) – generalization of perception, a process and its result of making of a N. image, accenting traits (àstralum elements) which are common for whole multitude of separate perceptions, and ignoring traits which make them different.
*NOVUS [NOVULO, ÍÎÂÓÑ] (homo novus – a new man) – a man who remembers his previous life in a senex body (see reincarnation).
OBJEKT [OBJEKTO, ÎÁÚÅÊÒ] – a part of Being, of Reality, subjected to consideration, to analysis.
OBSESSON [OBSEDO, ÍÀÂßÇ×ÈÂÎÑÒÜ ] – a stable astralum object, element of person's soul (his preact and/or emotion), causing his actions and/or emotions which contradict to his own spirit, "common sense" etc (see also harming, larva, aggregor).
OCCULTISM, ESOTERISM [OKULTISMO, ÎÊÊÓËÜÒÈÇÌ] – knowledge system studying and using DP (see also magic, mysticism, spiritualism, psychokinesis).
ORGANISM [ORGANISMO, ÎÐÃÀÍÈÇÌ] – totality of the astralum and physicum levels (components) of an individual; a living body, living flesh, an element (a particle) of vivum; the subject matter of physiology (see hierarchy)..
PARADIGM [PARADIGMO, ÏÀÐÀÄÈÃÌÀ] – totality of base notions of a scientific system; usually predominant system is meant as P.
PARAPSYCHOLOGY [PARAPSIKOLOGIO, ÏÀÐÀÏÑÈÕÎËÎÃÈß] (παρα – near) – the defective name, given by nowaday academic science (NAS) to a new scientific direction, arised at the junction of natural science and occultism, and dealing with phenomena (studying and using them), in which metaphysicum and psyche play the dominating role; just using of occult notions (and terminology) makes it possible to find out psyche mechanisms of phenomena, which remain to be riddle for NAS; NAS ignores P. as a component (and essentially, the central one) of psychology.
The author's term – *FUNDAMENTAL psychology.
PASSES [PASOJ, ÏÀÑÑÛ] – one of healing methods; movements of the psi-operator's hands along a patient's body (without touch) for a medical effect.
PERCEPTION [PERCEPTO, ÂÎÑÏÐÈßÒÈÅ] – a process and result of formation of image of a reality, external in relation to consciousness, – either intuitively, or on the base of sensations, received from the reality.
PERSONALITY [PERSONECO, ËÈ×ÍÎÑÒÜ] – the self of a person (the intrinsic, true face, non-visard or sub-mask) – a totality of all the three (mentalum, astralum and physicum) levels of individual Being with the whole versatility of his/her essence and its manifestations.
process and result of embodiment of an idea (abstraction) into astralum, which gives to the idea forms and qualities of a concrete object.
PHANTOM [FANTOMO, ÔÀÍÒÎÌ] – a subsidiary astralum object, created by a psi-technician (magician-operator, healer); most often – an object, duplicating a physical one (in particular – a living one); it is advisable to distinguish P. from illusion, which is the inner (subjecttive) and spontaneous phenomenom (as well as ghost is).
*PHOBOPHOBIA – fear of the second order: fear to be startled by someone/something.
*PHYSICUM [FIZIKUMO, ÔÈÇÈÊÓÌ] – physical reality, the world of physics in distinct from the science of physics, exploring P.; the physical stratum of matter, the lowest level in the hierarchy of hypersubstances, Being; the totelity of substance and physical kinds of energy, of physical objects and phenimena.
PHYTOTHERAPY [PLANTTERAPIO, ÔÈÒÎÒÅÐÀÏÈß] (φυτον – a plant) – traditional P. is linked tightly to astrology.
POLTERGEIST [POLTERGEISTO, ÏÎËÒÅÐÃÅÉÑÒ] – spontaneous spiritism phenomena, mainly with negative effects: breakages, ignitions etc (see also references in Russian).
*POSTINCARNAT [ POSTINKARNAT, ÏÎÑÒÈÍÊÀÐÍÀÒ ] – a person, who keeps in mind his life as a preinkarnat, i.e. about his former inkarnation ( or about several ones).
PRACTICE [PRAKTIKO, ÏÐÀÊÒÈÊÀ] – process and result (experience) of activity; for dialectical philosophy P. is/serves as the criterion of truth (ñð. dogmatism).
PRANA [PRANO, ÏÐÀÍÀ] – brith, vital principle; term of yoga (Sanscrit, India) for astralum energy.
PRAYER [PREĜO, ÌÎËÈÒÂÀ] – a form of meditation with religious tinge; also and text (conjuration) using for such a meditation as its fulcrum.
*PREACT [AGANTAŬO, ÏÐÅÀÊÒ] – image (see here of its formation) of person's (individual's) future action, its astralum template, element of his AsB.
*PREINCARNAT [PREINKARNAT, ÏÐÅÈÍÊÀÐÍÀÒ] – the person, about whom life postincarnat remembers as about his own former life (see reincarnation).
PREJUDICE [ANTAŬJUĜO, ÏÐÅÄÐÀÑÑÓÄÎÊ] – person's opinion of reality and of his connections with it – which is a priori, has no scientific, rational, logical base, mainly is socially caused; prediction, based on P., justifies the probably the firm is the person's confidence in infallibility of the P.
PRINCIPLE [PRINCIPECO, ÏÐÈÍÖÈÏÈÀËÜÍÎÑÒÜ] – the category reflecting objective regularity of a phenomenon, of its inevitability, non-fortuitousness and non-temporariness; so it is in principle impossible to explain DP by contemporary physics (because of this, it ignores DP and name themdepreciatingly as supernatural).
* Ψ-(psi)-TECHNIQUE [Psi-TEKNIKO, Ïñè-ÒÅÕÍÈÊÀ] – technique for control of psyche by means of the psyche itself, without basing upon elements of the physical level of Being (see magic);
Ψ. – at liberating from obsessions – liquidates person's inner conflicts, and (cp. psychotherapy) after that there is already nothing to be overcome, there is already reason neither to console, nor to distract.
PSYCHE [PSIKO, ÏÑÈÕÈÊÀ] – a metaphysical object, a metaphysical component of an individual, unity of his spirit and soul, his mentalum and astralum components.
PSYCHOKINESIS / TELEKINESIS [PSIKOKINEZO, ÏÑÈÕÎÊÈÍÅÇ] (κινησιζ – motion) – a category of distancy phenomena, concerning the sphere of mechanics and contradicting its principles; P. includes changes of substance structure and/or of body's weight, nascency of them (materialization), disappearance (aport), displacement (teleportation).
PSYCHOLOGY [PSIKOLOGIO, ÏÑÈÕÎËÎÃÈß] – science (scientific branch) which must research psyche; nowaday P. researches only manifestations of psyche in the physical stratum (comp. FUNDAMENTAL psychology).
PSYCHOTHERAPY [PSIKOTERAPIO, ÏÑÈÕÎÒÅÐÀÏÈß] – a row of diverse methods kindred by their aim: P. teaches a patient how he can overcome inner difficulties (contradictions between logic and emotions), accommodating himself, and also consoles him (a "mother's" variant, relaxation: to hear out, to sympathize etc) and/or distracts (a "father's" variant, mobilization: to occupy, to busy etc) (ñð. Psi-TECHNIQUE).
PSYCHOTRONICS [PSIKOTRONIKO, ÏÑÈÕÎÒÐÎÍÈÊÀ] – scientific branch of investigations on the junction of occultism and technics; branch of parapsychology.
*READINESS [PRETECO, ÃÎÒÎÂÍÎÑÒÜ] – a state of resolute intention, at which (when) it is more difficult to refuse from intention than to fulfil it; an emotionally saturated thought-intention, a thought-form: a totality, synthesis of intention and adequate to it (intention) preact; a result of volition effort (of this synthesis as a process) at the proper level of psyche; a psyche component of volition act at the level of personality.
REFLEX [REFLEKSO, ÐÅÔËÅÊÑ], conditioned reflex – automatism of behaving provided by astrosoma elememts formed during and on the base of living experience (comp. instinct).
REFLEXION [REFLEKSIO, ÐÅÔËÅÊÑÈß] – a transference/image of an object of one hypersubstance level (or a sublevel) of Being onto another; sense of the second grade: sense (realization) of sense (or of emotion, thought).
REINCARNATION [REENKARNO, ÐÅÈÍÊÀÐÍÀÖÈß] – repeated incarnation; in the narrow-psychological sense – one's memory about his prevouse incarnation (or about several ones).
RELIGION [RELIGIO, ÐÅËÈÃÈß] – dogmatized, ritualized form/system of veneration of God, of relations with Him; R. includes attributively a cosmogonical doctrine, including ideas/statements of human's position in the Universe.
RESOLUTION [ÐÅØÈÌÎÑÒÜ] -– intention of the second order: intention to realize/fulfil intention (see volition).
SACRAMENT [SAKRAMENTO, ÒÀÈÍÑÒÂÎ] – a process the essence of which is, within the bounds (by the notions, from the point of view) of some ideology, is in principle beyond the human understanding; so, incarnation – a process, an act of conception – of spirit into a living being is the S. in Christianity; the notion of' S. does not agree with conception of the human spirit as of God's principle in an individual (ñð. clairvoyance).
SCIENCE [SCIENCO, ÍÀÓÊÀ] – the system of reliable (practice serves as a criterion for reliability) knowledge; also a part of the social life, concerned with receiving and using of them (see also truth).
SELF/OWN/AUTO-CONSCIOUSNESS [SINKONSCIO, ÑÀÌÎÑÎÇÍÀÍÈÅ] – consciousness of the second order, specifically human ability to reflect, to analyze, to understand elements of one's own consciousness; the mechanism of S-C. includes exfoliation/stratification of MENS, of a person's mentalum level, and after that analysing of any level/sublevel state is possible on/from the other, higher level.
*SENEX [SENEKSO, ÑÅÍÅÊÑ] (homo senex – a former man) – a man, about whom life a novus remembers as about his own former life (see reincarnation).
an astralum object, element of an individual astrosoma, caused either
• by physiological changes of/in a physical sensory organ, which is a result of influence from the outer world (outer for the psyche, not excepting the own physical body) upon this sensory organ, or
• by an immediate interaction with outer metaphysical objects, – i.e. an astralum S., which can be both spontaneous and artificial.
SENSE [SENCO, ÑÌÛÑË] – individual evaluation of information
SIN [PEKO, ÃÐÅÕ] – an action contradicting to requirements of conscience.
SKILL [SPERTERO, ÍÀÂÛÊ] – automatism of behaving; element of subconsciousness; S. may be considered both
• as a complex of stable elements (of different levels of complication) of individual's astrosoma and
• as a special case of individual's memory.
SLEEP [DORMO, ÑÎÍ] – a state of blocking (some) connections of an astrosoma with a physical body (revealing by absence of reactions for physical irritants); S. is necessary for restoration of the astrosoma norm, for liquidation of its distortions, collected during wakefulness (a proverb: S. is the best doctor)
SOARING, levitation [ŜVEBO, ËÅÂÈÒÀÖÈß ] – a form of psychokinesis, concerned with neutralization of gravitation.
SOMA [ SOMO, ÑÎÌÀÒÈÊÀ ] – a soma is considered here as totality of biological ( anatomic and physiological ) systems of the individual unlike its psyche, BUT not as the organism's most part unlike its sexual reproduction system ( as it is usual in biology/medicine ).
SOUL, ANIMA [ANIMO, ÄÓØÀ] – astralum component of an incarnated essence, personality (see hierarhy); sphere of feelings, experiences, moods, emotions.
SPACE [SPACO, ÏÐÎÑÒÐÀÍÑÒÂÎ] – astralum object,
• a background of the existence and an attribute (inevitable sign) of any physical object;
• the existence environment (receptacle) of all other astralum objects;
• the astral characteristic of local properties both physical and astralum objects: of their forms, sizes, distances between them, etc. (see also time).
SPIRIT, MENS [SPIRITO, ÄÓÕ] – mentalum component of incarnated essence, personality, simultaneously – a part of the mentalum level of the hierarchy of Being, of God, as a drop of an ocean water is a part of the ocean; the sphere of thought, knowledge logic, abstracts, intellect.
the element of Trinity in Christianity; H.S. is not so much essence but a process ("descent of H.S.") of a person junction (more or less) to God essence, of establishment of contact with it (or, more likely, on the opposit: its contact with the person); sometimes H.S. gains a form through personification – for example as a dove at baptize of Jesus; in case(s) of especially stable contact with God, of permanent possession of H.S., a person becomes its/his (of God-Father) representative, conductor of its/his manifestation (God-Son) – hence there is the unity of these three notions.
SPIRITISM [SPIRITISMO, ÑÏÈÐÈÒÈÇÌ] – an occultism/esoterism branch; intercourse with mentalum-astralum dwellers (see magic operation) with getting information form them by means of physical phenomena: encoded noise, self-moving tables, saucers etc, self-writing pencils etc.
SPIRITUALISM [SPIRITUALISMO, ÑÏÈÐÈÒÓÀËÈÇÌ] – the philosophic direction admitting the spirit, the mentalum level of Being as Its (of the Being) primary source.
SUBSTANCE [SUBSTANCIO, ÑÓÁÑÒÀÍÖÈß] – physical objects (and their totality as well), i.e. objects, possessing of nonmotility mass.
SUGGESTION [SUGESTO, ÂÍÓØÅÍÈÅ] – influence of a subject of the S. (of an inductor) upon the mentalum of an object(of a recipient) of the S., or upon his entire psyche through his mentalum, in particular – with help of physical level means, of language (persuasion) for instance.
SUPERPOSITION [SUPERPOZICIONO, ÑÓÏÅÐÏÎÇÈÖÈß] (covering) – natural science principle reflecting ability for existence of several processes (like light and sound) in the same space; analogically volume of a physical object is filled with astralum and mentalum.
SYMBOL, SIGN [SIMBOLO, ÑÈÌÂÎË] – an objekt, representing idea in the physical stratum of Being, and its fulcrum.
TARO [TARO, ÒÀÐÎ] – see arcane.
TELEPATHY [TELEPATIO, ÒÅËÅÏÀÒÈß] – recipiency (by a recipient) of information without basing upon means of physical level, and also sending it (by an inductor); kind of clairvoyance..
*THERAPEUTIC DIAGNOSIS [TERAPIA DIAGNOSTIKO, ÄÈÀÃÍÎÑÒÈÊÀ ÒÅÐÀÏÅÂÒÈ×ÅÑÊÀß] – approbation of preliminary diagnosis post factum, according to results of therapeutic influence: if recovery ensues, therefore diagnosis is right; if not, so diagnosis is doubtful.
THINKING-FORM [PENSFORMO, ÌÛÑËÅÎÁÐÀÇ] – metaphysical object, totality of a magic-operator's thought and astralum incarnation of this thought (imagination image); instrument of intention realization, incarnation in physicum.
element of spirit, process (thinking) and result of person's mentalum (intellectual) activity, in particular – interactions withUDI (see hierarchy).
TIME [TEMPO, ÂÐÅÌß] – is an astralum object, an attribute (an inevitable sign) of processes, T. is astral trait of their temporal properties: of their duration, sequence, etc. (see also space).
kind/variant of CCS, physically active state of an individual when his astralum is ruled by mentalum, outer for/relatively his psyche..
TRUTH [VERO, ÈÑÒÈÍÀ] – information (truth-or-falsity of which is analized), corresponding with its real (at the physical level) essence (see practice, dogmatism); the truth knowledge allows to foreknow that wich is inevitable and to avoid undesirable one.
*UDI, [UDI, ÓÄÈ] – Universal (all-embracing) Depot (store, bulk) of objective Information – the informational, mentalum component of Being; synonyms: Cosmic Consciousness, World Mind etc.
UNCONSCIOUS [SENKONSCIO, ÁÅÑÑÎÇÍÀÒÅËÜÍÎÅ] (more precisely: un-self-conscious) – psyche part, remaining outside of self-consciousness sphere and of control from its side; it is possible to distinguish in U.:
• subconsciousness [ÏÎÄÑÎÇÍÀÍÈÅ] – totality of automatisms of behaving, lightening/facilitating its adequacy to requirements of reality;
• superconsciousness – intuition;
• overconsciousness – influences from metaphysicum, external for (in relation to) individual psyche ( see ), which (influences) does not controlled by self-consciousness;
• *beyondconsciousness – elements of psyche (impressions, emothions, etc), not reflected by self-consciousness; sometimes they hamper adequate reaction to reality ("psyche blocks").
astralum parasitism (spongership); difficulty (or incapacity) of self-dependent astralum resupply.
*VIVUM [VIVUMO, ÂÈÂÓÌ] – the world of all alive flesh, biosphere (see life, hierarchy, organism).
(About the limit between alive and lifeless see here).
VOLITION [VOLO, ÂÎËß] – ability of mentalum to be altered/transformed into astralum – at condition of its (mentalum) enough concentration – and so to effect upon the astralum stratum of Being, to manage it (see hierarchy); the notion V. is both
• universal (God's Will – compare incarnation) and
• valid concerning a person: individual V. (see fig.) – ability to make
•• V. EXERTION  – i.e. ability of mentalum either
••• to induce corresponding to intention impuls in ANIMA and to combine them (intention and impuls) into readiness; and/or
••• to suppress unpremeditated jerk so that it could not become an action;
•• V. ACT – process and result of realization of intention in physicum (premeditated act or, on the opposite, premeditated abstention from it):
••• either realization of preact into action (organism is meant as able physically to do it);
••• or neutralization, suppression of spontaneous jerk, prevention of its conversion into action.
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method in the juncture of clairvoyance and psychokinesis, in which a magic-operator uses movable thing(s) (rod, frame, pendulum etc) in his hand(s) as a fulcrum for getting information from UDI; W.-S. can be used also for healing diagnostics.
Chinese (and acupunture) terms for astralum of the opposite kinds – active and passive; however, this opposition itself is relative: the same energy may be estimated either as jang in comparison with more passive one or as yin in comparison with more active; moreover, great concentration of one of them generates the other, the opposite one.