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    In distinction from hierarchy severity, which is absolute, one-side direction of the mentalum influences upon astralum and of the astralum influences upon physicum are not so. The more energy is already gotten by a physical object and thus concentrated in it, so the more energetic influences are necessary in order to change its actual state (the more stable the object is), the more its inertia, its mass (accordingly to the functional dependence E=mc2) is, and the more its influence upon other objects is. Analogously, the more mentalum active influences an astralum object has already gotten (the more information is which the object contains), the more stable the object is accordingly to the new mentalum influences, the more significant is its influence upon the rest world. This kind of inertia may be considered as the bearer of feedbacks, as the cause of passive influences directed from physicum to astralum and from astralum to mentalum.

Apropos: The method of analogy, which is de facto already admitted by MAS, may (must) be also admitted formally as the method, equal in rights with other methods of rational science. When E. Schrodinger originated his equation of wave function, he didn't derive it but postulated it basing on the analogy (   ) with classical optics (only experiment could either confirm or refute its accuracy) [ 12, стр. 42 ].

   Existence of the inertial feedbacks may cause the causative cycles, may cause the gradual, step by step, cycle after cycle complication of matter, the ability of development via spiral-direction, particularly may cause the evolution – functional and morphological – of the biological species. Any physical object – not only a living body – can become a base point for new "portion" of mentalum (in particular for a thought), can serve as "crystallization center" for new "portion" of astralum.
   So, a human embryo gets gills at first, which then disappear. AsB (the astral body) with lungs (which is necessary to form a physical body with lungs) cannot be formed at ones on the base of embryo's physical body of earlier development stage (which has not gills yet): this base, this physical footing point is not informationally powerful enough in order to serve as jumping-off place to form the AsB with lungs.
   Broader looking: at each stage of an embryo development, its body (more exactly – its organism – a totality of its physicum and astralum bodies), in particular its DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, about which nothing was known yet when А.Г. Гурвич (A.G. Gurvich, 1874-1954) created his conception of biofield (1923) and then the Theory of biofield (1944) [ 13 ] ) serves as the base point for activation that very information (summoning it up), which corresponded in its time (in filogenesis) to this very (morphological) stage of the species evolution/development (which corresponded to existing conditions of those times, corresponded to demands of those environment to survive), and which in its turn both formed the AsB then (in filogenesis), and formes it now (in ontogenesis), the AsB of that very kind which supports transition to the next stage – both evolution stage (from the filogenesis point of view) and morphological stage (from the ontogenesis point of view). Thus ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis way.
   As it was ascertained, the informational RNA are synthesized in form of huge long predecessors, and only then, owing to the complicated process, so named splicing, the fragments hundreds and thousands times as less/shorter than predecessors are picked out and become templates for proteins
14, стр. 42 ]. Today's biology is only astonished when establishes this fact.
   A butterfly is born from a chrysalis but not from an egg as a chicken does. There is not here that (biological) expediency which could give advantages to a butterfly for survival today, as one could suppose, basing directly on Darvin's principle of natural selection, but there is that expediency which gave to it such advantages many millions years ago (and which remains in force, which is repeated today).
   This continuity ought to be admitted as covering the whole objective world, which is the hierarchy of complicated objects which unite in themselves some simplier objects. An organism is an association (symbiosis) of cells (of unicellular organisms, which have lost their universality and independence, but acquired both defence of their organism and the subtle specialization); a cell is an association of molecules; a molecule – of atoms. This chain can be both extended in both directions (a population, as well as biocenosis, consists of organisms; an atom consists of elementary particles), and worked out in details (organism consists of organs; a cell – of organelles).
   Ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis way. But while in filogenesis a function forestalls the morphology, and stimulates, directs it, so in ontogenesis the information, accumulated in the course of filogenesis, is realized first of all in morphology, and only then this morphology is functionally mastered. And the more complicated morphology is, the more time the functional mastering takes. The breathing is mastered in few minutes, if not seconds; abilities of the hand and of the speech apparatus are mastered in years; to master the brain reserves, the time of whole life isn't enough for most of people.

Apropos: 1. Existance, functioning of feedbacks can cause disturbances of the psyche norm. An emotion can be (become) so power (astralum-saturated), that the mind, the common sense (the elememts of person's mentalum) loses its control of it. Such a disturbance of the norm, the lack of will, if it becomes stable, can lead to discomfort, to obsessive actions etc. Such a behavior which contradict person's intention and/or common sense may be named as psyche obsession, as malignant lack of will, as (in traditional Christian terminology) diabolism. A particular case of obsession is narcotic (nicotine, alcohol and others) dependence.
    2. Two notions – the physical health and the mental health – distinguish in principal, in spite of identity by their form. Formally, both kinds of health are considered as the normal state. But these two notions of norm theirselves are different in principle. The point isn't of course their object difference, isn't that they definite difference health spheres. This difference is trivial. What is methodologically important, so that they are of two different approaches to the problem, WHAT ought to be admitted as norm, HOW ought to determine its parametrs.
    Medicine determines helth empirically and only empirically. Medicine fixes organism's definite parametrs over some contingent or over the whole population. Medicie can't forecast, calculate which is the norm of, for example, body temperature; can't even explain why this norm is just 36½°С for a man but not, for instance, 35 or 38. Medicine can only verify this. Therefore, by the way, medical norm isn't stable. For example, the normal percentage of leucocytes in blood is admitted today another than 25÷30 years ago.
    Another matter is norm of psyche. There is a clear criterion here, clear bounds between norm and deviation from it. If a person is able to fulfil his intention, to act so, as circumstances demand, as his common sense hints, so it is the norm, however this ability would be named: strong volition, exact self-control or somehow else.
         3. There is important in principle and socially significant that IPI (Interpersonal Psi-technical Influence) allows [ 15 ] to liberate a patient from narcotic dependence (as well as from any other obsession) painlessly and quickly (it takes 2÷3 ten-order (100÷1000 times) as less time than with psychotherapy), in spite of assertion, making by WHO and our Ministry of Health, that narcomania is incurable.
    4. It's known: the more perfect the technics is, and the more subtle technology is, the more it's not only effective but more dangerous too, and the more actual the "human factor" becomes, operator-user's responsibility becomes.
    Y-(psi)-technique gives to mankind new technologies, which are qualitatively / fundamentally better/reacher than those which it possessed formerly.
  Psi-technique surpasses possibilities of rational science for it surmounts the limitations declared by physics, allergedly disterbs its laws.
  Psi-technique surpasses possibilities of traditional science for it changes/supplements the art of operator-esoterist with scientifically based technologies.
  Accordingly, the moral responsibility of an operator increases. The problem of psi-technique-operator's abilities acquire pronounced etical tint: principle (technological) abilities of psi-technique are practically unlimited, at least they much surpass limits of morally permissible aims.
    5. Unfortunately, practice shows that society can't rely on psi-operator's moral perfection.

12. И. Пригожин /Ilia Prigogin (the Nobel Prize laureate), И. И. Стенгерс Время, хаос, квант /Time, chaos, quantum / .– М., 1994.– 272 с.
13. А.Г. Гурвич Теория биологического поля. /Theory of Biological Field / – М. : Советская наука, 1944.– 154 с.
14. П.П. Гаряев, Е.А. Леонова Пересмотр модели генетического кода /Revision of the Genetic Code // Сознание и физическая реальность. Том 1 № 1-2 1996
15. А.С. Маркон Пси-ТЕХНИКА против НАРКОМАНИИ./Psi-Technique against Narcomania М. : СВОД, 2000.– 32 с.

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