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è ONTO- and PHYLOgenesis
   Process of evolution is expedient, it may not be named neither hazard nor casual, spontaneous. Evolution is perfection, complication. Spontaneous processes obey the nature laws of thermodynamics, occur with increase of entropy, lead to disintegration but not to synthesis.
   And what is less possible, that is spontaneous synthesis (both in onto- and phylogenesis) of complicated functional systems, destined for phased, step-by-step fulfilling of their elements, links, when each previous stage fulfilling is inexpedient, is senseless by itself, if following stage fulfilling is not FOREKNOWN, if there is not KNOWLEDGE about next system stages, about an AIM of the system function as the whole. So, stages of the blood coagulation process outnumber ten. There are multitude of exanples. It's enough to ask childly-naively WHY about common (allegedly understandable) facts.
   Formation of two mechanisms (two variants) of cell binary fission – mitosis and meiosis – belong to early evolution stages. Mitosis consists of at least 4 stages (prophase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase). Each of them is in their turns complicated, multiphase. For example, temporarily, only and specially for mitosis period, the "mitotic apparatus" is formed in order to divide the genetic material severely equally into the daughter/sister cells. When prophase begins, so it is still a long way to the telophase. And as far as nevertheless prophase process begins, it means that the cell (or somebody/something instead of it) KNOWS already that the turn of telophase will come, that the AIM (getting of two viable cells) will be reached. Otherwise the prophase wouldn't begin.
   Meiosis is still more complicated. But the point is not so much of its complicacy, as of its inanity, if it is considered separately, in connexion only with the sole sell, that very one which begins such a fission (inanity allegedly from its proper interests, its own point of view), for meiosis is a stage of sexual reproduction, and it makes sense (equally as its appearance in phylogenesis) ONLY under condition of the FORESIGHT that the acquired cell (haploid) will meet the similar one.
   Similarly, the spontaneous synthesis of a system destined for co-ordinated work of its elements which are not immediately connected to each others is impossible, for existence and functioning of each separate element has no sense. An udder of a separate cow (separate from a calf) gives to the cow no advantage, and even on the opposite, significantly worsens its suitability to habitat: an udder is more vulnerable both as an object of predator's aggression and as a nidus of specific (new, additional) diseases.
   Analogously: do a man choose the time (moment, period) of his organism pubescence accordingly to proper ideas of expediency? The question is rhetorical. This expediency is super-individual.
   Each, any unit of a physicum (object, individual) has its mentalum (informational) component (which may only extremely conditionally be named as mentalum body of the object by analogy with its astralum body, for mentalum, as it was already mentioned here, isn't seemingly connected with space) or, what is the same, is presented by respective mentalum unit in mentalum stratum of Being.
   Not only separate objects (individuals) are presented in the stratum but also totalities of them, those unities into which the objects combine themselves in accordance with some their signs (reasons, causes, aims etc). In particular, a species is such a totality and unity

an ant – an ant hil – Formica
a man – a state (or some other community – Homo sapiens.
TES terms these super-individual mentalum units (integrities, individuals, persons) aggregors. They are primary relatively their elements. It is an aggregor which unites and controls its elements (controls within that very limits as they are parts of the whole), but these are NOT they which integrate themseves and then create it (nevertheless the correlation must not be admitted as absolute one for feedbacks forms and functions here too).

Apropos: Not always to assemble together means to unite. Colonies of microbes can have specific configurations but there isn't any pretence of the structures to differentiation or junction into multicellular organism. We have an example here when the whole kingdom of most different creatures for milliards of years remain at the lowest (whether really the lowest? – À.Ì.) evolution step, ... but don't transform to new level of organization16, p. 26 ].

   However the mentalum whole of a species (of any whole) may be termed, as its spirit or idea, as aggregor or genius, as angel or demon, this mentalum whole is a carier of the species development tendencies, of its evolution, its super/global-task. While such a task for a plant, for an animal can be limited with the species survival, with its summary biomass increase –

– at least two facts confirm that this relates entirely to a man too, both facts are from the medicine history:
   1 sexual activity of survival people sharply increase after mass death, such as plague, and
   2 percentage of boys among born babies sharply increase if mainly menfolk perish, for example at war –

– so for a human being the global-task can include self-knowledge.    è

16. Ý.Ê. Áîðîçäèí Òâîðåíèå ïóòåì ýâîëþöèè /Creation via Evolution// Ñîçíàíèå è ôèçè÷åñêàÿ ðåàëüíîñòü. Òîì 1 ¹ 1-2 1996

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