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November 1998
Published in the section Philosophy, № 4 – 1999 |
Sexual terminology is widely used in spheres, which haven't direct connection with the sexual sphere, and is used not only as the sordid slang, and not only in Russian. So, to name any cruelty as sadism is now the norm.
The striking example of such a lexical phenomenon is the Freudian term libido. By NO means sharing every opinion of Z. Freud (1856-1939), let us admit logicality of his analogy (but not identity at all) between sexual striving and vital power. Prolongation of the generation demands from an individual, as a rule mainly from a male (for we're speaking here not only about people), full, extreme, sometimes even super-extreme mobilization in relations both the competitive one against rivals and with a partner. if the vital power (libido) is low, so power for sexual claims (also libido) is also ainsufficient.
Similarly, very far analogously with sex, we use here the term of masochism.
The modern science
considers suffers as a factor, which is always, in principle undesirable and useless, as well as accidental - unfavourableness. Accordingly, the tendency to avoid suffers seems to be a norm.
Esoterics, occultism exclude in principle the possibility of the fortuity. Every event is considered here as providential and/or as purposeful. Suffers are here elements of
karma, is a punishment for wrong behavior, for resistance to (divine) stream of life (fate, Dao, … ) - to expiate sins...
Suffers may also be advances for future sins, be a guaranty for avoid still more suffers in future, be the means to earn anti-suffers (pleasures, delights, felicity, beatitude), and means to avoid new incarnations ...
And if - an ideal case - such a rescue is already gained, so an incarnation can nevertheless occurred and be dedicated to the help to others, to indemnity not proper sins but outsider ones, to improving, correcting the other's karma, to reducing the other's suffers. Self-sacrifice of such a kind may just be considered as the highest, noble, spirit form of masochism. In this sense, one may name as a masochist both Prometheus and Jesus the Christ.
The opposition to such the masochism - both his antonym and that, which hinders to become a high, spirit masochist - is not sadism but the egoism.
The sources of sadism (also not only in a sense of sex at all) are manifold and aren't mutually exclusive. Let's note two.
1. It may be development of the extreme grade of some quality into the contrast quality. So, extreme jang (activity) causes inng (passivity) and vice versa. Analogously emotion of love with creative tendency may on its extreme grade paradoxically develop into affect with destructive tendency (perverted emotion is generated by abundance of emotion, not obligatory egoistic). The sole antidote here, including the prophylaxis, may be self-control. Feelings mustn't exasperate entirely. A bit, an edge of the consciousness must remain calm and verify (and control), what's happen in the emotion sphere. At any moment, any situation, a noble man (tszjunj-tsy) must be capable to realize of his moral-psyche state [ 1 ].
2. It may be energetical (subtle-energetic, astral) vampirism: energetical resources of a victim become more accessible for a vampire in those moments when he (a victim) suffers and splashes out his negative emotions to the tormentor. Defending from a vampire with force - both active, by means of re-aggression, neutralization of him, and passive, by means of screening both physical and/or astral one - is the act of the weakness admission, of non-superiority over a vampire, admission of your perceptibility, non-indifference on his influence. If a baby, whom you hold on your hands, thrashes you with zeal for he demands you to give him a sweety, so you laugh, you console him, you give him something instead of, or you yield to him at last and give him the sweety, BUT you have by no means even an idea to re-slap him, nor to armour yourself: all the same you are insensitive to his beating. Your superiority over a baby is huge, qualitative. Necessity of re-aggression or defence arises only if your powers are commensurable. One doesn't need to defend against a vampire. One ought to pity him and to feed him fill. And better - to instruct him, how to feed on his own, how to cease to be a vampire. If such a tactics is beyond your ability, so it signifies that you yourself ought to learn the same.
Finally egoism turns against the egoist himself, worsening his karma, which will demand requital, sooner or later but inevitably. Therefore it's necessary to get rid of it. If egoism is realized, is ideological, if it comes from the egoist's reason, so the problem is ethic-pedagogical, which won't be discussed here. But if egoism is contrary to his reason, isn't obedient to the reason, predominant over it, is spontaneous, so it is manifestation of lack of will, is psyche obsession, and the problem is psychological. Psi-technique provides capability to be delivered painlessly, quickly and reliably from objectionable, unwanted emotions, as well as to instruct how not to be a vampire, the [ 2 ], but it is a special subject.
The sources of egoism are instincts, psychic heritage, received from biological ancestors, who would perish as the species if they weren't obtain them (or weren't retain) in the course of evolution. One, who was better (stronger, more cunning etc) than others, this one took the territory, the food and other advantages including election of the sex partner(s).
Emotions, which express/present both activity in order to realize such advantages and satisfaction owing to such achievements, which (achievements) cause simultaneously perfection of the species, improvement of its fitness/suitability to environment, may be represented by the formula of the natural, primitive egoism:
| I'm better than others and THEREFORE – it is mine! I have! THEREFORE I have something (evrythig) better than others have!
| (A) |
Nevertheless for a human, who lives, distinguishably from his biological ancestors, in artificial habitat of civilization, in collective and society, the dominant instrument for survival becomes the thinking, reason (higher level of psyche). The importance of the emotions remains but it drew back (in norm) to background.
Simultaneously the same civilization, after rising/beginnings of property institution in its framework, makes it possible to change, distort the primordial essence of the A-emotion, to move the accents from the proper advantages of the person to the value of property, which he possess. Correspondingly, the A-formula itself may be modified:
| I'm better than others, BECOUSE | mine is more valuable than others' | (B)
| I'm better than others, BECOUSE | others' is worse than mine | (C) |
| I'm better than others, BECOUSE | mine, and only mine | (D) |
Such distortions – both primordial natural egoisms and corresponding senses and behavior tendencies – lead to specifically human vices.
Prepotency of the B-emotion, striving for realization of the situation, espmed by the B-formula, leads to avidity, avarice, money-grubbing, hoarding, "vulgar consumerism";
prepotency of the C-emotion, leads to envy, cupidity, not so much (or not only) to aspiration to increase the value of own property, but also to reduce the value of strange property; for instance, by means misappropriation or destruction of it; and at last
prepotency of the D-emotion leads to the morbid jealousy, striving to press everything and everyone down under his own, leads to imperiousness.
Впрочем, жадность, зависть, ревность можно интерпретировать не только (и даже скорее) не как эмоции, отражающие стремление добиться чего-то, а как страх не добиться, не получить желаемого, или лишиться чего-то.
Представляется, что страх и испуг следует различать как две разные
эмоции. От внезапного и громкого шума, стука младенец может заплакать. Мы говорим, он испугался. Но это не страх, который всегда обращен либо к будущему (какой ужас, а вдруг это случится), либо к уже не состоявшемуся прошлому (какой ужас, что так могло бы случиться). Для младенца же существует только настоящее. Его плач – проявление именно испуга, его сиюминутного дискомфорта, аналогичного боли, голоду, которые тоже следует признать эмоциями, специфическими переживаниям и состояниями
астрального тела, а не только ощущениями, которые сами по себе индифферентны, еще не несут эмоциональной окраски.
Ощущения – элементы астрального тела, но не его состояния.
Страх можно признать эмоцией производной от гнева, протеста, требования. Это эмоциональная реакция на невозможность проявить свой гнев, невозможность изменить ситуацию, которая гнев спровоцировала.
Striving to live better than others and in order to this to be better than others - which leads primordially to improve the species to increase its fitness, vitality, vital capacity - may become an end in itself, and in hypertrophied form to turn into
competition for competition itself |
rick for rick itself |
power for power itself |
enmity for enmity itself, |
and in such a way may be carried up to an absurdity, up to an antagonism regarding the primordial orientation, making harm to society, to the species of Homo Sapience, for such a striving maintains the rough, foul force to the detriment of subtle, lofty, specifically human traits and thier manifestations.
Patriotism, as collective egoism, jingoism - not as love for own fatherland - as well as the infantile egoism, (my mother, my toy), we've inherited from phylogenetic ancestors. Predators egoistically defend hunt territory. Salmons patriotically return in that very stream, where they hatched from spawns, in order to leave posterity and to die just here.
Nevertheless, resemblance between people of different countries, peoples and nations is much more considerable than differences between them (all the more between those of neighbour villages or streets). Since for everyone the Earth is the place of hell, the sphere (world) of captive spirit, the proving ground for suffering and moral conditioning. All of us are a little Jobs [it calls up "all of us are a little hourses" by V.V. Mayakovski]. For nothing we are threaten with posthumous hell. It is here where we're sent to work off our karma (although, owing to ignorance, we often worsen it instead of improvement).
It ought to be religion that would help to most of people (if not to all of them) to realize this resemblance, this identity of purpose and tasks of incarnation, to realize desirability (if not necessity) not of enmity, but on the contrary, of joining the efforts up to attain and solve them. But unfortunately most of religions are jealous, which doesn't unite people but separate them. So, two the first from ten Judaic tables (Exods 20,1-17), which are admitted by religions, adherents of which are the most of the Earth population, are dedicated to suppression of the competitive creeds.
To improve this hell, to fight against evil is as useless as to scoop the sea with a thimble. Earth without evil is unthinkable and nonsensical. Ontologically, evil doesm't exist. This notion is subjective in principle. A pike is the evil only for crucian but not by itself.
Evil is welcome just as instrument for influence upon an incarnated essence, as a stimul for its progress. As soon as we've escaped smallpox, so AIDS appears. When we'll win AIDS, so some new instrument will appear. The destiny (karma, God, Davil ...) gives to anyone that kind of evil, which is useful to him for perfection and is adequate his abilities.
If tomorrow the whole population become saint, virtuous like angels and wisdom, so after tomorrow it'll fall asleep and won't awake, it'll go away for the paradise, it'll have nothing to do here.
But preliminary it'll leave here a new generation, which will be again common sinful people like as we are today, egoistical snd aggresive, so the hell will recommence. Every age has its Middle Ages [Stanislav E. Lets]. The proving ground for spirit progress, for (self)education will recommence.
Исправлять надо не окружающее зло, а себя – отказываясь от эгоизма, от агрессии. Если человек приносит зло другому в мыслях, словах или делах, он делает зло Богу [3]. Ссылаясь на С. Грофа, можно добавить: и себе. Его эксперименты показали насколько прочно психологическое единство всех участников межперсонального конфликта [4]:
Всякий раз, когда травматическое событие включает межперсональную ситуацию, субъект, переживая ее под влиянием ЛСД [наркотика, с которым экспериментировал С. Гроф], по-видимому, должен пройти и испытать [роли] всех задействованных в ней персонажей. Так, в случае, если основная тема представляет собой агрессивное нападение на него, он должен пережить как роль жертвы, включая все эмоциональные и физические чувства, так и роль агрессора. Если субъекту пришлось быть наблюдателем такой сцены, он должен в итоге пережить все три роли.
Thus, when a butcher torment a victim, he torment as well him himself. Though, not simultaneously, though in some long-term but inevitable perspective.
но горе тем, кто заставляет страдать невинных [3].
Злодей достоин жалости. Совершая зло, он уже подготовил себе наказание в виде того самого зла, какое причинил другому. Поэтому даже необходимые (или вынужденные)
действия ради пресечения, уменьшения зла можно (и нужно бы)
выполнять без злобы, а с сожалением, с сочувствием.
Кстати, хотя многие считают, что отвечать злом на зло – естественно, это вовсе не так: первая (детская) и естественная реакция на зло – удивление.
Но и это – полумера, компромисс. Кардинальное же решение конфликта – простить. Простить! Именно это подсказывает опыт С. Грофа. Именно непосредственное переживание ролей каждого из участников конфликта позволяет понять их и в итоге – простить. Истинный признак христианских добродетелей – смирение; если его нет, все наши недостатки остаются при нас, а гордость только скрывает их от окружающих и нередко от нас самих [Франсуа де Ларошфуко]. И еще: Практика добра несравненно эффективнее борьбы с грехом [Отец Александр (Ельчанинов)].
What one ought to improve, is himself. Becoming (or remaining) a decent person, i.e. acting reasonably-egoistically (both are accordingly Н.Г. Чернышевский / N.G. Chernyshevski (1828-89)), or (which is the same) leading a righteous life, acting in good conscience, carying for conscience purity, i.e. making highest moral-ethic demands of himself, purging, brightening himself, a person by this means not only eliminates evil in himself but as well he participates in elimination of surrounding evil, disarming it, giving no support to it, becoming transparent for it.
Occultism remarks also that spirit, mentalum, incarnatsin physics, strengthens itself, shows itself up with powerful and stable concentrations, and thus captivates itself in them. The invers process, the deliberate liberation of Spirit from flesh, return of Spirit to its primordial source, unity (yoga) with God one may consider as the purport of the Earth existance of human, which is not trivial at all.
So, Л.Н. Толстой / Lev N. Tolstoj (1828-1910) at the very mature age, in his sixth decade, post long and painful quests, established, in spite of the full life's prosperity at the moment, that the nonsense of the life is the sole doubtless knowledge attainable accessible for a human being. [цитировано по: У. Джеймс. Многообразие религиозного опыта.- М. : Наука, 1993].
It would be seemed, it's needless to write of those all, for there are already such books of eternal wisdom as Indian Bhagavatgita, Chinese I-Tszin, European Emerald Testimonies, Pentateuch and Gospel - enumeration of known sources may take many pages, and, for sure, it wouldn't the most part of them.Nevertheless this picture has dark sides, not a sole one.
Firstly, this multiformity itself, multitude of presentations of the sole wisdom, as sole as God, its source is sole, the fact itself that each civilization was creating and has created its own approaches to the wisdom, shows inexhaustiblity of the wisdom, shows that new and new approaches can happen not less fruitful.
Secondary, this wisdom remains entirely out of sight of MAS, remains mainly not used. They speak different languages. A problem f their synthesis is actual to society including the MAS itself.
Thirdly, ideology of the "spirit masochism" is actual not only principally, scientifically, but practically as well. It prompts the sole, although very difficult, way out of conflicts of different scale levels – from petty, interpersonal to global, like Palestine-Israeli, Kashmirian, Chechen, North-Irish confrontations.
1. Абаев Н.В. Чань-буддизм и культура психической деятельности в средневековом Китае. Новосибирск, 1983.
2. Маркон А.С. Фундаментальная психология и здоровье.– М.: СВОД.– 1996.– 240 с
3. (3.) Dоwling H. (Lеvi). Thе аquаriаn gоsреl оf thе Jеsus thе Сhrist.– Lоndоn, 1908.- 260 р
4. Stаnislаv Grоf Rеаlms оf thе Humаn Unсоnsсiоus.– NY. : Е.Р. Duttоn.– 1976.– 257 р.
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