    International Association for Psyche survival - xsp.ru/psimattern/ Psyche survival We give not less than we promise Ðóññêèé Esperanto 
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Part IV
          A chance to keep Russia as Russian
          Chapter 17.   FP against NARCOMANIAE
a a a a a a a a a a a a 17.4.  ADDITIONAL SUBSTANTIATIONS

a a a 17.4.07.   MECHANISMS of dependencies

Soul health is delicate not less than body health,
and that, who allege himself to be free of passions,
can yield to them as easy as a man of robust health can fall ill.

F. de La Rochefoucauld (1613-80)

    Using of drugs – lighting of incenses, fumigation of rooms, drinks with alcohol etc – was primordially a magic action, facilitating switch into a consciousness changed state (CCS). Then it became ritual. Then it came into fashion.
   Now, when one uses drug routinely and/or in too much quantity, a kind of its influence changes: inversion happens, quantity transforms into quality. Using of drug does no longer help switching into CCS, and on the opposite: lack of drug, abstention from it, causes specific, quite another change of consciousness, abstinence syndrome arise.
    Circulation, energy change, are inherent in astralum sphere of human being like as metabolism and blood circulation are inherent in physical body. This knowledge came from East some about 30 years ago (it means: in 60-s years), but in ancient Europe it was known. Present-day West takes, masters these knowledge slowly, a little at a time, not seldom with significant simplifications, distortions.     è
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è     The SAME mechanism can be described DIFFERENTLY
   A drug can disturb the normal communications of a consciousness and a body. In such a case the consciousness is released from dependence on body, and is up in the clouds of non-physical reality (not always pleasant, by the way to tell; an addict can fall into a field of painful experiences). Simultaneously a body (physiology) loses its normal control and management. Painful deviations from norm are collected in it. An addict's body experiences discomfort. But he (his consciousness) does temporarily not perceive, does not notice it. The discomfort (a syndrome of abstinence, of hang-over) becomes realized after a drug ends its influence, at recovery of normal communications, with the advent of sensations, speaking: it is necessary to restore the body's norm. But in this situation, at manifestation of the discomfort, an addict prefers often to forget again about his body, to escape from discomfort by means of the next doze of a drug - and so drives himself into deadlock, into hopelessness.
   A drug changes consciousness (in a greater measure, or smaller, but changes). The reality is perceived not so as it is perceived by others, as it would be perceived by an addict himself in the normal (outside of narcotization) state. In the brightest form such distortion turns into hallucination. è
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è     It is important both in principle and practically, that an obsession can ACTIVELY (as devils in the forequoted example) resist to intentions to get rid from it; it can create fear of addressing to a professional (narcologist, psychologist) for help, the fear even to think of it.
    In that case a work with an addict can be (it happens to be useful) divided into two stages. At the first of them the problem of the refusal from the drug is not raised; it is not discussed at all whether will be possible to refuse the drug. The purpose of this stage is only clearing release from the fear to think of such an opportunity.
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    Is it possible to distinguish in life, in practice an ill person (an addict) from a healthy one (who merely immoderately, habitually uses drugs)? – Yes, and just in practice, in experiment, in real life situations.
    Conditions of the experiment: that who want to clear up whether he has an ill dependence from a drug, must begin with decision: during the next week (or month, or year) I'll not use it whatever happens (let it's wedding or funeral). And then he, allegedly from the outside, watches himself: Do I suffer (ATTENTION !  the question Do I want would be an error !!!) without my drug? – If not, I don't suffer, so it means, it is possible to continue the same way calmly for one more week (or year, or to the dying day). – But if yes, I feel bad, hard etc., so it is better not to risk, not to disregard of the danger of a next the decision breach. It is better to address as soon as possible for specialist's advice and/or help.

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