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   As a first approximation, it is a specific anomaly of memory, every of the cases when people keep in mind their previous earthy existence (emyucwsiz , incarnation). The principle/key point of the phenomenon is reliability of postcarnantee's recollections: whether they correspond to real, physical events of precarnantee's life, or they are only postcarnantee's psyche reality like a dream, which is real but only in the narrow meaning that a sleeping individual really experiences it but does not fabricate it after awaking.


    This problem of reliability, physical reliability of reincarnation is really principle for it is not only a problem of memory and of whole psyche nature, but it is a problem of Nature itself, the scientific world-view problem.
    This problem of physicalness of incarnation can (and must) be admitted as already solved owing to explorations of Ian Stevenson, M.D., the head of the Department of Psychiatric Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine & Division of Personality Studies, Health Sciences Center, University of Virginia (Box 152, Charlottesville, VA 22908) [11]. There are many convincing description of reincarnation. Even on this background, Dr. Stevenson's investigations and finds are unique, for they are not merely convincing but are legally reliable. Dr. Stevenson used documents and testimonies. Such proofs are just admitted in our society and our time to be irrefutable, final.

        According to Dr. Stevenson, a child-postcarnantee begins to speak about his previous life at the age of 2-3 years, i.e. as soon as he is able to convey such not simple information. Some more than a third of Dr. Stevenson's postcarnantees (309 children from 895 ) had innate "birthmarks" - skin (pigmentation and/or structure) anomalies and/or skeleton defects, localization (and sometimes structure) of which was severely corresponded to wounds (often fatal ones) or other injuries of precarnantees.    

Dr. Stevenson illustrated with photos what "birthmarks" were. Three of them seem to be the most obvious.
  Photo 1is: the precarnantee was killed/hacked by a knock upon the place where "verrucous epidermal nevus" of the postcar-natee is seen.
  Photo 2is: the precarnantee "had put his hand into the blades of a fodderchopping machine and had its fingers amputated".
  Photo 3is: the precarnantee "was accidentally run over by a train, with her right leg being severed first".


    Dr. Stevenson has finished (1992) detailed exploration of 210 such cases (from 309), including (besides others) examining of both families (of a child-postcar-nateee and of his precarnantee), of witnesses of accidents, and (when available) analysis of medical documents of precarnantee, usually his autopsy report. This work, titanic both in idea and fulfilment, these hundreds of irrefutable cases claim (not permit) to admit the phenomenon of reincarnation as a reliable scientific fact, and demand to look for natural-scientific explanation (as minimum):
· how can a child (a postcarnatee) remember the life of another man (a precarnantee), or even its separate episodes,
· how can he remember it as his own one, and
· how precarnantee's body injuries influence upon postcarnatee's body, what are the possible mechanisms of the phenomena.
    We'll show nevertheless that the facts, revealed by Dr. Stevenson,
· need not so much be substantiated theoretically, but,
· on the opposite, they are themselves practical confirmation for theoretical statements/theses
    · advanced by the author several years prior to Dr. Stevenson's publication;
    · advanced on the base of proper experimental material (just experimental but not observant as the Dr. Stevenson's one), not less extensive, nor less conclusive, but more various - from the practice of psi-technique (or IPI - interpersonal influence) medicine [5d] (mainly at/for liberation from narcotic dependencies); and
    · registered by IAASD (the International Association of Authors of Scientific Discoveries) as a hypothesis with the priority from 1987 [3, pp. 59], i.e. 6 years before Dr. Stevenson's publication.
    Dr. Stevenson himself doesn't try to interpret incarnation facts (in the part of Discussion), to find their mechanisms. He concentrates/limits himself, directs all his efforts only to prove non-randomness of these correlations which confirm children's statements/information, reality of the phenomenon, authenticity/truth of reincarnation.   è

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