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REINCARNATION as a beacon to FUTURE    ( RF )

BEYONDgenetic mechanism of hereditary

è     Two mechanisms, two ways of hereditary information transfer exist, work simultaneously and mutually independently.

   One of them – genetic, main, base (or M-mechanism) – is well-known to NAS (the Nowadays Academic Science), it is studied by genetics. By this way the information is transferred, that
• inherent to ALL individuals (representatives) of a biological species
• encoded into the physical carrier, in molecules of DNA
• by immediate contact, i.e. by physical carry of DNA from organisms of ancestors (parents) into a descendant’s organism.
   Decoding of this information occurs
• according to nature-laws,
   •• revealed by the author beyond the reincarnation problems and
   •• registered by ÌÀÀÍÎ/IAASD (International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries) in 1999 [ 19à ].
• continuously during whole life cycle (of both ancestors and descendants) from the conception till the death, what is brightly shown periodically, for example (with homo sapiens species), when primary teeth are changed by secondary teeth and at practically full organism reorganization in the puberty age.

   Another – beyond-genetic, individual, additional to species, (LS-mechanism) – a new one for NAS (Nowadays Academic Science). By this way the information transfers –
• to a novus (a person-follower, successor, recipient) from senex (an individual-predecessor, inductor), who died before the novus’s birth,
• peculiar to novus and only to him, in particular – the information about traits not inherited from ancestors, but acquired intravitally, for example – about traumatic damages of the senex’s body,
• without coding, directly, in "cleanly” metaphysical form and
• without contact (uncontactly, distant ),
• which is added (can be added) to species information, after its decoding, already at first ontogenesis stages (in the prenatal period), though cases of later intrusions of such kind are known, and even short-term intrusions – both spontaneous and provoked by means of special methods.

   So, two hereditary mechanisms – (M) and (LS) – are similar only in one: they are united by the individual WHO perceive the hereditary information, though it is better to name him different (for to prevent confusion).
With reference to M-mechanism it is a descendant (child) of the ancestors (parents).
With reference to LS-mechanism it is a recipient (an successor, follower); if a recipient recollects his inductor as himself spontaneously, we name him as novus (homo novus means a new person), and his inductor as senex (homo senex means a previous, former person).

   In the rest these mechanisms essentially differ –

(1) – by a source of inheritance, a source of an inherited material i.e. FROM WHOM the information is transferred –
  by the M-mechanism from ancestors, from parents;
  by the LS-mechanism from senex (a predecessor, inductor );

(2) – by a way of the inherited material transfer i.e. HOW the information is transferred –
  by the M-mechanism the information is transferred to a child (descendant) by direct physical contact (physical carry of DNA);
  by the LS-mechanism the information is transferred (at least can be transferred) to novus from senex without contact (distantly );

(3) – by an inheritance object, i.e. WHAT is transferred and inherited –
  by the M-mechanism the hereditary information of the biological species is transferred (and accordingly all its attributes): a hatchling hatches from a fish berry, and a chicken with wings hatchs from the bird's egg; a monkey will be born with four hands, and human being only with two, but with feet;

[ Just a foot, but not a hand (as it is generally accepted today) has allowed an ape to turn into a human being. Becoming of a heel, development of a calcaneal bone, has transformed a hand into a foot, that has just given a body sufficient stability, that has just allowed to release hands for creative activity. ]

  by the LS-mechanism individual information is transferred (at least it can be transferred) from senex to novus, additional to the species one, not inherited by senex from his ancestors, but has gotten by him intravitally, in his lifetime, in particular – the information of traumatic damages of his body;

(4) – by presence (or by absence) of the intermediate (auxiliary) carrier of the inherited material, i.e. by the FORM of the information transfer –
  by the M-mechanism the information is transferred in the coding form, on the physical carrier, in molecules DNA.
  by the LS-mechanism the information (the hereditary material) is transferred directly, without coding, in "cleanly” metaphysical form.

   The mechanism LS can be related with the name of Lamarck (Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck, 1744-1829), the French aristocrat, the professional scientist, the academician who has essentially enriched the science, the author of the first evolutionary theory and of the term biology itself. But with two reservations:
• Lamarck wrongly supposed, that individual traits are transferred (and are inherited) from ancestors to descendants by direct (physical) contact, just also as species ones, and
• oubjects of his explorations were the individual attributes arising as reaction to change of environment conditions and a species way of life (which he considered as the evolution reason), but not at all caused by vicissitudes of life, as traumatic or painful damages.
  Only now, owing to Stevenson's (S) works, comes to light, that Lamarck (L) was right, that he was mistaken "only" in details (of principle value).

   The first laws (statistical) of the M-mechanism functioning are revealed by Gregor Johann MENDEL (1822-84), the Austrian monk (Gregor is his sacred name) from a peasantry family, an abbey of a St. Avgustin’s monastery in Brunn (Osterreich-Ungarn; nowadays Brno, Czechia), one of founders of the local (Brunn) society of scientists; he has made his discovery checking theses which have been put forward by Lamarck. At that Mendel has outrun his time for approximately half a century: his publication – Experiences with plants hybrids / Versuche über den Pflanzenhybriden (1866) – was recollected already in the beginning of XX century when technical possibilities to look into a cell, to observe how it is divided has sprung up, and when rapid growth of genetics has begun; and then three scientists have repeated (everyone independently) his discovery (the proper time has already come, "the idea soared in air").     è

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