The key information of the DRUGS problem solution.
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The problem bears tragedies to the Russian families which grow into a tragedy of Russia.
The author offered to institutions (officials)
both to administrative, medical, pedagogical
and to soviet, Russian, international,
IAPS's help on suppression of the drug dependence epidemic still then, when it was creeping, but not galloping (especially strongly after successful defending of Ph.D. dissertation on this them in 1997),
but he has not been heard. There were no formal refusals, but actually the help remains not accepted.
The problem is complex. Very complex.
However the SCIENTIFIC approach to it is already known for a long time. It considers MECHANISMS of narcotic dependences.
It is used in practice for a long time (since 1978, officially since 1990).
Its high efficiency is confirmed officially. It is substantiated theoretically long ago (1987) and approved scientifically (1997, 1999).
A difficult, but only one real way to mitigate consequences of the catastrophe - because to avoid it will already not be possible for too much time is missed - is presented in the concentrated form in an appeal to members of RANS / RAEN / ะภลอ, (the Russian Academy for Natural Sciences), accepted (November '00) by its leaders.
There are here several aspects of the DRUGS problem in some more detail (alphabetically):