REINCARNATION as a beacon to FUTURE ( RF )
OBE (the Out-of-Body Experience)
This term means dismissal of person’s psyche elements including his consciousness from restrictions, caused by physical laws. In principle this does not differ from hallucination (a distinct difference is activity of own behaviour). An elementary example of spontaneous OBE is experience (sensation) of flight in a dream.
In one of his OBE-episode R. Monro has visited his colleague R. and asked her to remember this visit for she could testify it subsequently. R. promised, but Monroe has “for fidelity” pinched her “absolutely slightly” (by his sensations). Her reaction was stormy, and two days later, when they have met (physically), on the pinched place of her body there was a vivid bruise [ 3 , pages 67÷68].
Both R. Monro and Ràymînd À. Moody [ 4 ], whose works possess all attributes of scientific reliability too, testify possibility of posthumous functioning of psyche including consciousness.