    International Association for Psyche survival - xsp.ru/psimattern/ Psyche survival We give not less than we promise Русский 
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Part I
            (The nature of PSYCHE)

    Chapter 1. FACTS
            1.6.  STEPS

   1.6.4.   HYPOHONDRIACAL stage
и     Incomprehensible, mysterious can kindle curiosity, but can also frighten, even if it is not so harmful as poltergeist. A latent threat is guessed/suspected in it.
    So (by materials not published before) two experimenters drew up a report of the simple fact: position of two volumes on a library shelf among other books just before closing/sealing of the library in the end of the working day. They have planned ("have ordered") an event, physically impossible: by the morning these books should exchange their places. In the morning they have entered together with the librarian who has opened the door. The order has executed: volumes have really exchanged places. However it has not pleased experimenters, but has frightened them. They did not put new experiments, and moreover: they have spontaneously stopped contacts, as if afraid each other.
    Some incomprehensible can cause also fears of mental disorder. Robert Monroe testifies [ 86, стр. 15]: To tell, that the first out-of-body experiences made me frightened – as good as to tell nothing. When they have begun, my head boiled from panic ideas of the brain tumour and of approaching madness. It has forced me to pass a lot of various medical surveys...
    Really, our psychiatry, as well as all medicine, does not distinct anomaly from pathology (see section  14.1). Excess of norm, improvement of abilities relative to expected statistically, is evaluated at such approach as pathology – as well as lag from norm; occurrence of ability to realize some DP is admitted to be hallucination (see s-n 6.2.5), a pathology which must be suppressed (by means of neuroleptic), instead of to br used and/or perfected. At such approach a human being should be considered as a pathology of an ape.
    An observer of something unusual can also fear to lose his good reputation if he messages this something unusual. The more unusualness the more anxieties. On the other hand, necessity/hopelessness to remain alone with the DP, impossibility to share it, to discuss it, is additional trouble (mental loading) which can really lead to a pathology. And in this opinion we are not lonely::

    Знание того, что подобные переживания возникали и у других, позволяет избежать… травмирующей психотерапии [действительно психотерапевтическая процедура может травмировать, лекарство может оказаться хуже болезни – А.М.] или, хуже того, умственных расстройств и больницы для душевно больных (Ч. Тарт [ 121, с. 26]).
    В 11 тыс. писем, полученных Институтом Monroe [к 1977 году, за 6 лет, прошедших между первым и вторым изданиями [ 85 ] – А.М.]) раздаются многочисленные вздохи облегчения: теперь люди могут рассказать о своих тайнах без угрозы проверки на вменяемость [ 121, с. 9-10].
    По окончании лекции ко мне почти всякий раз подходит кто-нибудь из слушателей, чтобы поблагодарить за рассказ. Эти люди уже испытали такие переживания, но не смогли их объяснить [не кому-то, а себе самим – А.М.] и потому боялись, что просто сходят с ума [ 121, с. 16].     и

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