Part I
(The nature of PSYCHE)
Irrespective of whether an image T' is received distantly or communicatively, it turns into a Gestalt ( T' à GT) when it becomes adequate to its object T. On the practice side it means that T' provides successful enough use of T. On the theory side – if T' becomes identical to metaphysical body TÂof object T (T' = TÂ). So, a Gestalt of a square (mentioned in section 1.4, page 17) is a metaphysical square irrespective of whether a perception object is constructed from matches, from steel rails or from traces of a slate pencil on a paper.
Gestalt GT can be received either (1) at once, as one-stage correct copying of TÂ (as "comprehension", "inspiration"), or (2) as result of part-by-part accumulation of proper traits of TÂ, included in T' in the cropped/skim [aufheben ïî Ãåãåëþ (1770-1831)], concentrated form. So (2), a square Gestalt includes certainly such traits as the central and four axial symmetries.
In this (2) case Gestalt GT arises by a jump in the moment when the last element of T', necessary for its completeness (its adequacy), is added to an incomplete T', when a sum/a complete set of isolated copies Ti' of metaphysicum components Ti  of separate elements Ti of object T, becomes a synthesis of these elements.
So, while each of 13 lines (fig. 6) is reflected as a separate/independent perception image – this drawing remains to be a set of lines on a flat paper sheet. As soon as separate images of separate lines join/conjugate (losing their independence) into united image T', the drawing gets the third measurement, and sticks out of the sheet plane (or deepens into it).
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Identity of T' and TÂ enables to estimate any subtleties and nuances of object T.