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Part II
            (PSYCHE and SUPERPSYCHE)
      Chapter 10.
              APOLOGIA for MASOCHISM
                  (ETHICS in the light of REINCARNATION)

    10.1.   SUFFERING and SADISM

è     The modern paradigm considers sufferings as the factor always, essentially undesirable and useless, and also casual - it has bad luck. Accordingly also the aspiration/tendency to avoid sufferings is considers as the norm.
    Esoterics, occultiism essentially exclude the possibility of accident. Here each event is considered as predetermined and/or purposeful. Here sufferings are an element of Karma, as a punishment for wrong behaviour, for opposition to the (divine) stream of a life (destiny, Dao...) – in expiation of sins...
    Sufferings can be as well
• am advance payment for the future sins, and
• a condition () of liberation from even more sufferings in the future, and
• a way to merit, to earn some anti-sufferings (pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, bliss), and also (as a result)
• a condition (way) to be liberated from new incarnations ...
    If – an ideal case – such a liberation is already earned, an incarnation can nevertheless take place and be devoted to the help to another people, to indemnity not own sins, but another's ones, to improvement, correction another's Karmas, to reduction of another's sufferings.Such kind of self-sacrifice also can be regarded as an exalted, noble, spiritual form of masaochism. In this sense it is possible to name masochists also both Prometheus and Jesus Christ.
    Contrast to such masochis – both as its antonym, and as its antipode, that which hampers becoming a high, spiritual masochist – is not sadism, but egoism.
    Sources of sadism (also not only in sexual sense at all) are diverse and do not exclude each other. let's note two of them.
• So (as sadism) development of the extreme concentration/brightness of a certain quality into its contrast can be revealed. So, extreme yan (activity) generates ynj (passivity) and on the opposite. Analogically emotion of love with the creative tendency can at its extreme saturation/concentration transform paradoxically into brutality with destructive tendency. Self-control can serve as prophylaxis of such sadism. Feelings should not overflow completely. A slice, an edge of consciousness should remain quiet (a common sense) and ascertain (and simultaneously to control) what occurs in the emotion sphere. At any moment, being in any situation, a noble human (tzun-tzy) must be able to give a report on his moral-psyche state [ 1 ].
• So vampirism can be revealed: energy/astralum resources of a victim become more accessible to a vampire at the moments when the victim suffers and splashs out his negative emotions to the torturer. Power protection against a vampire – both active, by riposte, by aggressive suppression, and by passive counteraction, by physical and/or astral enclosure, – is an act of feebleness, the act of confession of not-superiority above the vampire, confession of sensitivity, of non-indifference on his influence. If a kiddy, whom you hold in your arms, beat you zealously demanding a candy, you chuckle, you console him, you give him something in exchange or, at last, you concede to him and give the candy, but it does not come to your mind neither to answer to him with the same, nor to dress an armour on yourself: his beating are not frightful to you, and are sometimes even pleasant. Your superiority over a kid is enormous, is qualitative. Necessity to be protected appears only if your forces are commensurable. It is not necessary to be protected from a vampire. He should be pitied and be fed quite enough. And it is still better - to learn him how to be well fed independently, not for the another's account, how to cease to be the vampire. If such tactics is inaccessible to you, it means that you ought to learn the same.     è

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