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Part III
      Chapter 11. HEALERY

  11.4   PRELIMINARY MIND ORIENTATION/ mood disposition
è     A healer need the definite general psychological spirit, aim before he starts his work, irrespective of that, by which technique.
    The main feature of this mood is the goodwill. Without it the success is practically improbable. The patient is not a material for work, for processing, but is the object of healer's care. It's seemed externally that a healer is the master of the situation: a patient is dependent on him. Internally he is more likely the servant, than the master. At the moment of work a healer can assimilate himself, for instance, to a loving mother consoling her offended baby. But using of special psychotechnical means for this purpose is an exclusive deed . As a rule, goodwill is the attribute of a healer, a feature of his character.
    The second condition of success is a healer's seriousness. Healing does not endures any game in healing. It is necessary for a healer to cultivate in himself consciousness and sensation, that healing work, each separate healing action is a direct touch to patient's destiny, and indirectly to destinies of his relatives, and to his own too.
    The third – a state of internal comfort and calmness. In particular, it is necessary an emotional dispassionateness, detachment from a situation (frequently rather troublous one). As it is told in Bchagavatgita [ 132],
   For aspiring one an action is called as means; for reached one a calmness is called as means [ 132, p. 178].
    It is necessary to mean, that A success is achievable only when this success is not a passionately desirable result [ 146::7-1]. An anxiety for result of a healing procedure is an anxiety too, and it can prevent to success. The situation somewhat paradoxical is happened: the stronger is an aspiration to a success, even if the aspiration is unselfish, the more difficult is to achieve the success. But this paradoxicality is known from an antiquity and just then a way is found out of it. In the same Bchagavatgita one can find:
... let you have an interest to deed, but never to its fruits, let it will not be a fruit of your action your motivation... [p. 164];
    Whose all undertakings are free from craving and mercenary hopes ... [p. 172];
    "It should be made", who so fulfils necessary actions ... [p. 220].
    And at last - confidence of success, absence of doubts. Ïñèõîòåõíè÷åñêîé base for this can be a thought like this:Others can do it - it means that I can do it too! But even having adjusted in the necessary key, it's still early to proceed to work. It is necessary at first to recollect a joke about wise Abramovich.     è

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