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Part III
      Chapter 12. DISTANT INFLUENCE

è        Earlier than to look at healing with eyes of a healer, let's have a look at it with eyes of his patient.
CASE   2.

    A patient is of 38 years old. Angine. The first in the life, though there were transmitted many other inflammations, including heavy ones. The third day of the disease (during first two days the general state of health was close to norm). there are a head ache, general weakness since the morning, t° > 38° Ñ.
    The reference by phone to a healer with whom the patient has got acquainted for 3?4 weeks before that.
    After a short (about half a minute) influences, which has not felt by the patient, the healer offered to the patient to lie down calmly during not less than half an hour.
    A result. The patient finds out with surprise after about 40 minutes (during which he slept) that he is brisk and fresh,t° =36,6° Ñ.
    After a heavy working day: subjectively – only fatigue; objectively – t° =37,8° Ñ. During few next days quick return of all health parameters to norm on a background of usual activity.
    The remote results. No new case of angine more, than for 30 years (up to the end of supervision).

        The patient has noted:
• There was nothing, from the point of view of everyday experience, of common sense, that could influence upon his health state so unexpectedly and sharply.
• The changes of both health state and working capacity are bright and doubtless.
    The patient has nothing more to note, except for his joyful surprise of the happened, while we, already from the point of view of the healer, –
        let's note:
• The short duration of the influence.
• The patient did not feel the influence itself, that has not relieved its efficiency. It is important for a healer: he needs not to pay attention during his influence, to distract and waste time for such patient's sensations.
• The result was unexpected for the patient. It means, that there was no preliminary patient's mental readiness, his mood which could promote success. Hence and this placebo factor (a priori belief in the healer or in his methods ) is not obligatory too.
• The influence is distancy/distant. A substratum of an image is astralum. Hence, creation of an image (an image of imagination) of an object (of a patient) by a subject (a healer) corresponds to creation of the patient's AsB (of its copy - more or less exact one). If the image is adequate, if it corresponds to the object enough, is bright enough, i.e. if the image is exterated, is objective, is realized in astralum, so this anew created AsB is completely identical to the own object's AsB. At that it is not simply similar up to invisibility, but, as the practice of healing shows, it is just identical so, that change of one of them entails change of the other. Therefore, when a healer influences upon a patient's image created by him himself, he influences actually upon a patient's AsB.
    It is clear in this connection, why influence can be so short-term. It is useless to increase specially its duration. If a healer is capable to create an adequate patient's image and to make necessary changes in it in a trice, so such a "duration" will be enough too. On the other hand, the process and the fact of an influence theirselves are not enough for its efficiency. It is necessary, that acquired changes were fixed. A long (in approximately two orders longer than the influence, but not less than 15÷60 min.) patient's rest (sleep is even better) does just promote the success. Any patient's activity (not only physical movements, but also conversation, listening of a broadcast, etc.) can cause undesirable changes in that state which a healer has given to his AsB.
    The brevity of influence for the sake of brevity itself is senseless too. An opposite tendency exists too. One of healers (S) had a manner to work during hours. Once it recounted: That time I did even almost not work with him. So, maybe about 15 minutes, not more. And in general a healer's operating mode is a question of his taste, his intuition, of tradition of his school (or his teacher). It concerns also both to duration of influence sessions, and frequency of their recurrence, and their quantity in a series, and quantity of such series. The mode can change depending on concrete circumstances, mainly with patient's individuality, features, state.
    In the same connection let's note:
• formation of an AcT double - of a phantom - does not damage the own object's AsB, takes nothing away from it;
• simultaneous formation of several phantoms, copies of an AsB is possible;
• in some respects a work with a phantom is even more convenient, than with an "alive" (present) patient.
    Now, in the new terminology, it is possible to describe the distancy AP measurement (see section 1.7.1) as the procedure consisting of two stages:
1) formation of patient's phantom and
2) measuring of AP by a usual method with the phantom's hand.
    Sometimes the life itself forces to work with a phantom, not leaving any choice to a healer. For example – at so-called phantom pains when an organ or a patient body's part, felt as a hurt source, is physically absent.     è

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