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Part III
      FP and HEALTH
      Chapter 12. DISTANCY INFLUENCE

è        One can pertinently note that the successive result surprises not only a patient but a healer himself as well. One can never be in advance sure of an influence result. But and irrespective of this, the success is perceived as unexpectedness, as pleasure and surprise: It has turned out!
    A semantic/notional painting of this pleasure is very important. A painting of pride and narcissism type can bring to nothing a subject of pride, while one of type of gratitude (either to destiny, or to the healery egregor, or to the Lord himself) for this gift can consolidate the success. Emotional and behavioural reaction of a patient is not less important. In particular, he should not chatter about an event (and his healer ought to warn him about this), and especially – in exalted tones, and especially – at first time after favourable changes of his state.
    A successfully working healer gets used sooner or later that his thought works, and then he surprises already more likely to a failure than to a success. Nevertheless even skilled healers may have "relapses" of mistrust to themselves, to one's own abilities, to one's own productivity. So, one of them (Ch.) has such a relapse which was expressed (after more than 10 years of practice and on a background of proceeding successes!) as intention to perform an experiment in comparable conditions - with homogeneous group of patients and at presence of similar control group (i.e. just such actually, that offered still F.À. Mesmer). Consideration of the experiment technique together with the author showed that his (Ch.) purpose was only to prove productivity of his work. And to prove not to someone, but to himself!
    Ch.'s doubts and performance of similar experiment are senseless, and that represents a principle methodological interest. If after a patient's reference to a healer there comes improvement, so it is necessary to admit such reference as expedient, independently on anything other: whether a causal relationship is present here or it is only a concurrence in time; whether the healer put any efforts or not, etc. For the main thing is the result, the main thing is good for a patient (sàlus àågrîti – suðråmà låõ).
    A Japanese businessman (who was far enough from the science) proved to the author, that Philippine psi-surgeons are deceivers and impostors. Really, it was said not so much in reproach on Philippines, but more as an indirect compliment to Soviet healers (the conversation occurred in Moscow of the eighties beginning) who, by default, work without a deceit. His argumentation: Our (Japanese) scientists investigated tissues ("pieces of meat"), taken out of a surgical wound at psi-operations, and have ascertained, that those tissues don't belong to a human being. The criterion of such estimation is vicious. The main result is not what is thrown by a healer in a slop-pail, but whether a patient has recovered, whether it became easier, better to him. Just this last is that Philippines have as results of their work.
    The interlocutor-businessman has agreed then with this author's counterargumentation, nevertheless not this is important, but that the case itself of substitution of criterion is typical. What only is not demanded from a healer for proof of his competence, his right to be engaged in medical aid! Typical requirements are –
• to describe and substantiate his actions by language of modern academic medicine;
• to give the exact name of illness (of nosologic unit) at diagnostics;
• to show the documentary statistics of results,
  •• including – remote ones,
    ••• including – in comparison with control groups,
– and so up ad infinitum.
    Such an approach is essentially incorrect. The only objectively necessary requirement which a patient (or a society) may make to a healer (as well as to a physician/doctor!) is nîli nîñårå – do not harm. The circumstance, that to estimate whether this requirement is fulfilled severely enough or not, is possible only post factum, and that the estimation can be not always right, – this circumstance is a separate problem.
    And to forbid to a healer to work only because he is not able to name a diagnosis of that illness which he can cure – is even more incorrect, than to forbid to work to a self-educated composer only because he is not able to write down his music with musical signs. Moreover: unlike the official medicine principle ignîti nullà ñuràtiî mîrbi – it is impossible to treat not unrecognized disease, normalization of patient's astralum body by a healer is possible and without preliminary diagnostics at all.     è

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