A woman-patient is about 50 years old. For a long time, about 20-25 years ago, has started to appear periodically and gradually to accrue sensation of a discomfort proceeding into a pain, in the regions of spine, especially in a cervical region, especially at long vertical position of a body.
Influence (during an aggravation). A healer imagines, all area around her spine as a tight vessel (a pipe, a channel) with a liquid under the raised pressure. Then he imagines that he makes some apertures in the bottom part of this vessel (nearby at the level of S4), moves the surplus of contents away, and so reduces that pressure.
Result. Feeling improved already during the influence. Next day (the influence was made in the evening) painlessness, freedom, ease, comfort were feeled.
Remote results. Rare relapses. During 8 years of supervision the patient periodically addressed herself to the same healer, sometimes frequent – up to 2-3 times a year. The technique of influences at relapses varied slightly.
Let's note:
• not so much important is that surplus of energy is moved away, but that its circulation (an energy-metabolism) is restored: on a place of moved energy another, "fresh" one comes at once;
• not surplus of energy influences negatively upon a person, but its stagnation, decrease in intensity of its circulation;
• it is possible to abstract from a place where energy is directed, transferred, as in this case, but it is possible also imagine this concrete place. So, one healer used the old antiquarian vessel (a beaker, which has even a proper name, the Black Stone) for this purpose. It was implied that "the bad energy" is overworked in it like as scrap metal is done.
Objectively, energy is neither bad and nor good. These concepts are applicable only subjectively, in relation to a certain situation.
Restoration of normal circulation can be begun not with moving of old energy away but with saturation of new, "fresh" energy, which will dislodge the old