Part I
(The nature of PSYCHE)
Chapter 4.
An operator S can receive a knowledge/information of an object T spontaneously (fig. 3), but in general it occurs by an inquiry q = q (fig. 11), and an answer can be received not at once in the direct form – as image T', but as a symbol (as a marker of the answer), still having to be decoded. For example, the answer can be treated as yes or as not depending on character of a pendulum swing in a hand of an operator.
An inquiry q, addressed to TÂ – either directy, or through an object's T marker t (stricter - through an image t' of the marker t)
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can (in principle) influence on TÂ, can change it, and so can bring semantic distortions into the received result/answer T' (that is undesirable, and that, accordingly, demands special methodical precautions).
But as well on the contrary: such basic opportunity can be used (purposely) for a distant influences upon physical reality P by an operator S, since unequivocal conformity exists between an object TP (physical component of HYPERPHYSICAL object T) and TÂ (its metaphysicum component).
This is just proved to be true by results of many researches which have been carried out with observance of requirements of academic scince to purity/perfection of an experiment, including the double blind control. So, in experiments of biology doctor S.V. Speransky/Ñ.Â. Ñïåðàíñêèé (from Novosibirsk) [117] operators knew, how their distant (from other cities) influence should change behaviour of a group animals (laboratory mice), i.e. they knew the task of the experimenter, and they knew nothing (as well as the experimenter himself) about which of two groups
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would become the work one and which would remain as control, but the number given to the work group. This number was just a marker t of the certain alive creatures for them, a marker (fig. 12) belonging to a reality ÂÌ (t = TÌ = T'').
Numerous, not less convincing results of operator's effective distant influences also upon other (except upon animals) objects of the physical world – on plants, physical bodies, physical radiations (see [ 38 ]), - showing/proving (creating precedents) its (influences) reality, are known. An experiment had been put (1985; see section 11.1 ) by the author to create precedent of reality of a distant influence upon a human person as well.