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Part I
            (The nature of PSYCHE)
      Chapter 6

        6.1.   NATURE of SLEEP

и     Let's start with the question: Why a newborn child sleeps almost entirely round the clock. Well, the question is a childish (foolish) one, like just those, to which adults are not able to answer.

    How much silly words of a fool were, but sometimes they are enough to confuse a wise man [N. Gogol/Н. Гоголь (1809-52)]. Z. Freud (Freud, 1856÷1939) has not answered it, and even did not ask himself the question.

    Then we'll transform the question into a scientific problem, by its generalization:
When, at what moment of wakefulness a person begins to require the next period, the next "portion" of sleep and/or to feel need for sleep?
   1. We'll enter four notions:
NI – New Information,
OI – Old Information,
RN – Range of Novelty and
LN – Limit level of Novelty.
   NI – is a quantity of "information" (feelings, experience) which has been perceived by an individual/subject S during the current period of wakefulness (from the moment of his awakening till the considered moment), perception of which demanded (subjectively) his exertions, and which was accompanied (objectively) by some changes, distortions of his astralum body/astrosoma SA (or AS). At each awakening the size of NI = 0 (in whatever unit to measure it), and then it grows more or less quickly.
   OI – is a store/volume of "information" which has been mastered by an individual S during all his life by the moment of last his awakening, to the beginning of the current period of wakefulness. Mastered means that its repeated perception is not accompanied (objectively) by his (S) astrosoma SA distortions, that it does not demand (subjectively) his efforts, or even on the contrary, facilitates to him perception of IN, becoming a base, a fulcrum, a springboard for such a perception. Quantity of OI remains to be constant during each period of wakefulness – from awakening of S and up to his next falling asleep.
   RN is a fraction NI/OI.
   2. NI produces some changes δSВ of subject's S psyche SВ (and in particular of SA). But a magnitude of these distortions corresponds (is proportional) not to NI itself, but to RN.
   3. Exceeding of LN, of some threshold size of RN (for example, LN = 0.01 RN), causes distortions δSВ excess permissible one ΔSВ, i.e. overfatigue, overload and refusals of SВ, revealing itself in switching-off (overlapping/blocking) of contact/links channels with an external world, of NI reception channels, i.e. falling asleep.
   4. Astrosoma SA is corrected during dream: its distortions caused by NI are eliminated, the norm of psyche SВ is restored. But it is already the other, new, enriched norm. NI is adopted, it passes into OI in its amassed/kept form [aufheben by G. Hegel (1770-1831)], and so it increases, enriches OI, turns into new component/portion of OI. That is known as interiorisation.
   5. Individual S cannot adopt some new information (NI) and get simultaneously still newer one (more precisely – this ability is limited). Therefore mastering, accumulation of experience occurs in portions: when LN is achieved (when SВ is overfilled with distortions δSВ from NI) – so sleep comes; when norm of SВ, which part is activity of channels of perception of outer information, is achieved (NI = 0) – there comes awakening.
   6. In this cyclic (more precisely: spiral) consecution
old experience → new experience → anew mastered experience
the universal (philosophical) principle (law) - denying of denying - is revealed:
thesis → antithesis → synthesis (a new thesis).
   7. With individual age increase, if even intensity of NI inflow does not decrease (life is always ready to give us something new), intensity of RN growth will decrease due to OI (the fraction denominator) increase. And for a newborn, with his OI close to zero, LN is really achieved in a few minutes.

    Certainly, it is only a rough scheme, the first approximation. Real mechanisms of sleep are much more complex. But clarities
• cannot change the scheme qualitatively, essentially; nevertheless such clarities are of serious interest, since
    • they allow to make more exact/precise the essence of many psyche phenomena considered as enough well-known and, in this sense, routine, not such exotic, as, for example, the poltergeist.     и

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