(Mehanisms of evolution)
7.6. Tendencies of ONTOGENESIS
Existence of the chain of management (of active influences) from mentalum to astralum and from astralum to physicum forces to bring up the question WHAT manages mentalum. Formally, two suppositions, not excluding each other, are possible as the answer:
• there is a hypersubstance, still higher, comparatively with mentalum, a "hypermentalum"
• mentalum possesses the ability of self-management.
| (a)
(b) |
Actually the assumption (a), namely – that mentalum is managed from hypermentalum, is worthless, because it would result either
• in the "bad infinity", having pulled behind itself a question "and WHAT manages the hypermentalum?", or
• in the suppositions (b). Thus
Conclusion: mentalum is self-manageable.
Because of qualitative unity of all mentalum elements – aggregers, aggregors, and up to the ABSOLUTE, uniting all other elements in himself, – this conclusion is correct for all these elements.
Hence, subordination of an aggreger to its aggregor does not exclude aggreger's own tendencies.
In particular, these tendencies of an aggreger are seen in an individual horoscope. At that
though these tendencies are looked through a horoscope, that (which) adequacy of decoding and interpretation depends on an interpreter abilities level,
nevertheless a horoscope does not define these tendencies, but opposite, the tendencies define the horoscope:
(1) a horoscope is precisely enough interrelated with chirological figure (that is on a palm);
(2) this figure is formed BEFORE a child birth, he is born ALREADY with the figure;
(3) a horoscope is exactly connected with a place and a moment of a birth.
Hence not place and moment of birth define tendencies of individual development but on the opposite: its horoscope, i.e. the place and moment of birth, and the chirological figure too, – all of them are defined by tendencies of an aggreger as far back as before the birth. How much earlier is not principle. Principle is this sequence: it testifies what is the reason to what