MARKON Alexander Solomon(-ovich)
PSYCHOLOGIST since 1982, Ph.D. since 1997
Honorary Doctor in Psychological sciences of European University since 2000.
President of IAPS (International Association for Psyche Survival) since 1989
Head of the Psi-Technique Branch of ARCCM (Academic Research Center for Complementary Medicine)
attached to
ÌÀÈÍÁ / IAISB (International Academy for Integration of Science and Business [Russia, Moscow])
IASEIA (Interational Academy for Sciences, Education, Industry and Arts [USA, San-Fracisco])
Head of the PRACTCUM on Psi-Technique Medicine for physicians since 1991
Head of the ÑÂÎÄ / SVOD (ARCH) Publishers since 1991
Membership in scientific associations
ÐÀÅÍ / RAEN (Russian Academy for Natural Sciences) since 1996
ÌÀÈÍÁ / IAISB (International Academy for Integration of Science and Business) since 1996
ÌÀÀÍÎÈ / IAASDI (International Academy of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and Inventions) since 1999
NYAS (New-York Academy of Sciences) since 2000
ÀÄÏÏ /ACPP (Association of Children Psychiatrists and Psychologists) since 2001
Scientific editor of the journal
Professional experience
engineer-administrator 1959-62
engineer-researcher 1962-81; bronze medal of ÂÄÍÕ / ENED (Exhibition of National Economy Developments) 1976
psi-technique operator and researcher since 1975
physician and lecturer at driving school 1984-88
direction of IAPS since 1989 (before 1998 SPC SVOD)
pedagogical practice; disciplines:
metals manufacturing 1966-77
psi-technique medicine since 1983
before-doctor medical help 1984-88
Personal other chronology
birth in Moscow 1937.10.01:12°40' (Greenwich time, rectified)
marriage since 1964
fatherhood since 1966
honorary USSR blood-donor since 1980
grand-fatherhood since 1991
labour-veteran since 1997