Part III.
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Let's start with the question: why a newborn child sleeps almost entirely round the clock. Well, the question is a childish one, like those, which adults can't answer (How much silly words of a fool were, but sometimes they are enough to confuse a wise man [Í. Ãîãîëü / N. Gogol (1809-52)]).
Let's try to generalize it and so make it the scientific one: when a man, at what moment of his wake, begin to need the next period, next portion of sleep, to feel necessity to sleep?
1. Four notions are introduced:
| New Information (NIn),
| Old Information (OIn),
| Rank/size of Novelty (RN) and
| Limit Level of Novelty (LLN) |
NIn is the quantity of information, which was perceived by the person during the present period of his wake, from the moment of awakening till the present situation, and perception of which demanded (subjectively) his efforts and was accompanied (objectively) by some changes, distortions of his astral body (AsB).
On the awakening the value/size of NIn is 0 (zero, whatever measure unit might be used), and then it rises more or less quickly.
OIn is the quantity of information, which was mastered by a person during his whole life till the latest awakening, till the beginning of the present wake period. "Mastered" means that, repeated perception of this information is not accompanied (objectively) with distortions of his AsB, and doesn't demand (subjectively) his efforts, or even on the opposite, lightens to him the perception of the NIn, becomes for this aim the base, the start point, the jumping-off place. The value/size of OIn remains constant during each period of wake, from the awakening till the next falling asleep.
The RN of the all information, which the person possesses at the present situation, is the ratio of NIn / OIn.
2. NIn produces some changesof person's AsB (more exactly, changes of his psyche). And the value/size of these changing is corresponding not to the NIn but to the RN.
3. That distortions of the AsB, which exceed some threshold level of the RN, the LLN, let us suppose 1% of the RN, overcharges the AsB, and cause failures of AsB, blockade the receiving channels for the NIn, channels of communication with outer world, i.e. falling asleep.
4. During the sleep AsB regulates itself; inherent regulation, self-regulation corrects the distortions, made in AsB by the NIn; the norm of AsB is restored, but it is already the other, new, enriched norm. The NIn is mastered, assimilated, it turns into the OIn in the harvest [by G. Hegel (1770-1831) it is Aufheben] form, and in this way the NIn increases, enriches the OIn, more exactly, it turns into a new portion of the OIn. That occurs which in psychology is named as interiorization.
5. An individual, a person can't master new information and simultaneously take still newer one. Therefore mastering, accumulation of experience is made with portions (a little at a time), and it is self-regulated: when the LLN is reached (when the AsB is overfilled with the NIn distortions), so the sleep comes; when the norm of AsB is renewed, when channels for perception of information are active again, so the awakening comes.
6. As the age increases, if even intensity of the NIn receipt doesn't decrease (our life is always ready to present us something new), the rate of RN growth decreases for OIn increases. As for a newborn, whose OIn is almost zero, so he attains his LLN in a few minutes.
Certainly, this is only the scheme, the first approximation. Really the mechanism of the sleep is much more complicated. But improvements can't change it qualitatively, in principle. Although they are interesting by themselves. è