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Chapter 9. SLEEP, DREAMS, INSOMNIA     [ * ]

9.2. CURIOSITY and other fenomena

      è     Certainly, this is only the scheme, the first approximation. Really the mechanism of the sleep is much more complicated. But improvements can't change it qualitatively, in principle, although they are interesting by thenselves.
    In particular:
    * An optimal level of RII – Receipt Information Intension – exists (but the optimum itself is individual). Overdrawing of the level is overcharge, stress. But reduction of RII is also perceived/felt as discomfort. Therefore a person turns to active pursuit of information. It becomes apparent as the search reflex, cognition activity, CURIOSITY, plays and other entertainments, etc. When such compensations are impossible, when RII is reduced to and lower than some threshold, so the psyche can switch itself over to its own inner information, to self-experience. Either merely isolation from physical reality can occur (natural sleep, slumber), or substitution of physical reality for astralum reality – conversion of psyche in the state which we'll name either a hipnotic, or a hallucinatory one, dependently on the level of arbitrariness of the conversion (or on the opposite, its spontanous).
    Two extremes meet here, that happens not infrequently. Both psyche overcharge (tiredness), and its underloading lead to the similar (at least outwardly) consequences.
    * Conversion into sleep, isolation of the astralum body (AsB) from the physical one, its dismissal from the dictates of mentalum, blocking of respective connection channels occurs by stages, through a number of phases (the equalizing, paradoxical etc.). They are either imperceptible because of their brevity, when a man falls into its sleep allegedly instantly, or are long enough for introspection as "changed states". Intentional using of such states, and of hypnosis in particular, has an attitude toward y-(psi)-tecnique.
    * Hypnosis, which doesn't find explanation and rests to be paradoxical phenomenon in paradigm, is the mostly effective when an undergoing person (a patient) is semi-sleepy, when his/her mentalum is weakened and its infuence upon astralum is faint. It makes presuppositions of the influence effectiveness of hypnotist's mentalum influence. When a patient keeps vigil, his astrosoma is controled by his own mentalum. During deep sleep astrosoma is independent and has no sensation relative to influence of any mentalum – both of one's own and of some other's one. Influence upon those, whose mental level is weak, can be effective even when they keep vigil (suggestion), and this is widely used in pedagogical practice. People with strong mental are hardly turned into a hypnotic state even when they are semi-sleeping, but instead they can successfully use self-hypnosis (self-suggestion), the simpliest form of which is widespread auto-training.
    * The informational transfer with UDI most strikingly appears itself in the state of inspiration, when a creator and the Creator are creating as equals

"But don't blaspheme, Bach", – says God,
"But let you hear out, God, – says Bach, –
  Let you listen to the end !.."    [A. Galich]
    * OIn, already known, which comes to a person with the general stream of information, stabilizes his AsB, increases its stability, calms the person and improves his mood; NIn does quite the contrary. Therefore the weaker the metalum, intellect of a person is, and the weaker its control of astralum, and the more spontaneous the person's psyche processes are, so more his preference for NIn is when he chooses ways of mentioned search of information. Therefore the younger children are, so the endlessly they can listen the same tale, can prefer it to a new one, which ought to be more interesting to them. Therefore children don't like ("are lazy") to learn, and it is a special art to interest them in novelty, to instil their taste to it.
        Just here the root is also of attraction to places, events, people related to impressions of early childhood. The attraction is determined not by logic, but by emotions, and is correctly named sentimental, and can appear itself in full force and already painfully as nostalgia.
    * Distortions of AsB occur not only because of outer infuences upon it, but as well under inner control by/fron the side of/ own mentalum. Every active move of a person is the result of managing infuence of his astralum body upon his physical body. And every premeditated, intentional move (and even intentional abstention from it) is besides the result of preliminary managing infuence of mentalum upon AsB. Sleep is the result of blocking of channels for information receipt by AsB not only from the outside but also from consciousness, from person's own mentalum, is liberation from its control.
      At sleep, not only mastering of information about outer world occurs, but also mastering of successful forms of own acting in the latest (or several latest) period(s) of keeping awake, formation and finalizing, polishing of skills occurs.
      Do you happen to see how a dog-pup paws? In his/its dream he/it runs. And sometimes he also barks (physicaly, aloud).
    * Many situations are experienced repeatedly in dreams. It occurs when AsB converts distortions caused in it by NIn. AsB converts, assimilates, "digests" NIn, and it is acompaccompanied with dreams, or with more-or-less vivid experiences, for each experience is just activity of AsB. And since this process is mated with changing, adjusting of NIn to AsB (like as a key is adjusting to a lock, insomuch dreams don't repeat (don't copy) reality experienced in the awake state, but reproduce it in distort form.
      If adaptation of NIn in AsB occurs stepwise, so the dream subject can be repeated, and it can from time to time more and more change from starting reality, it becomes more and more fantastic.
    * In some measure the process of adjusting is always reciprocal: if NIn defies adjusting to AsB, i.e. if reality is stubbornly inconsistent with the previous experience, if circumstances have seriously changed, so a person have, to transform, to relearn himself. Then his AsB is changed under influence of NIn (the key occurs to be refractory and therefore the lock itself has to be adapted to the key). But this process is longer and more laborious, which may be easiest considered by the fact that to learn is easier than to relearn: interiorization demands in such a case efforts and time not only for establishing of new structures of AsB, but also for suppressing of old ones. The phenomenon of high level of children taught-ability comparatively with adult one is well known. Two more known phenomena asserts of AsB systems resistance.
      If, for instance, a switch in a room is on the door's left, so in one-two years of living in the room, your hand has by itself a longing for left in order to turn the switch. If then the switch is moved on the door's right, so it takes several days, weeks, or even months in order to relearn. If you into the same room after some long (one-two years) interval, your hand has again longing for left by old memory.
      For the same reason t is more difficult to improve one's reputation than to make a good showing primordially. The same reason is for resistance of imprinting forms too.
    * The process of dreaming is known as fast phase of sleeping, periods without dreams - as slow phase. Slow dream is a process of fixing of attained synthesis, consent between NIn and AsB, fixing of new variant of OIn. If sleeping is interrupted at once after fast phase, so the remade part of AsB, respective to NIn, have probably not enough time to be fixed; when it occurs, then AsB has to do this work repeatedly. That is also why dreams can recur.
    * In this cycle (more precise: spiral) consequence
old experience ® new experience ® newly mastered experience   
universal principle of the negation of negation reveals itself:
thesis ® antithesis ® synthesis (new thesis ).
    * Duration of sleep and wake periods is defined by multitude (except tiredness) of factors, some of which can't be helped mentioning of
       ** physiological factors – as primordial AsB's deviations from norm, that can reveal itself both with heightened drowse and with insomnia;
       ** physical, everyday factors, among them – irritants of all five perception modality from tactile till olfactory;
       ** psychological factors – from moral comfort and calm till excitement, temper and discomfort;
       ** social factors – in particular, concerned with one's working cycle;
       ** mixed factors – like Earth's day rhythm, like existence (or absence) of danger etc.
   * At objective (because of outer circumstances) necessity to hold a wake, one ought to think of artificial increase of LLN, of person's reserves mobilization. Sources for this, that do not exclude each others, can be found in all the three levels of Being.
       ** In mentalum level, the classical example is mother's semi-wake at her ill child's bed: souerce of sentry point here is her moral-emotional stimulus.
       ** In astralum level, in order to liven up the energy change, circulation of energy, massage – of cochlea, the whole one or only separate points on it, for example, shen-shann-syan (À 13), shen-men (À 55), and of corporal points, khe-goo (GI 4), tszoo-sann-li (Å 36) and others – may be used.
    ** In physical level, exercises, loading liven up astralum, speed up blood, even if lassitude is caused by physical overwork; but of course in such a case one ought to burden not already overworked muscle groups but other ones. Here as well the nutrition problem may be considered: overeating can lull to sleep, malnutrition can raise fatiguability.
    * Change of an occupation is the rest (as this is known) just because during inactivity the subject, which caused person's tiredness, continues to be in sphere of the person's consciousness; meantime after switching of his attention to a new subject, the former one is forgotten, passes (is forced out into the unconscious level of psyche like as during (in process of) sleep, and with the same qualitative effect.

    In this part of the work the discourse was permanently about astrasoma, but it was only so far as informational processes, which proceed mianly in the metalum level, effect upon it. In the next part we'll consider problems concerned astralum more than mentalum.    è

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