Herewith I confirm, that the president of ÌÀÏÂ / IAPV / IAPS, active member of ÐÀÅÍ / RAEN / RANS, A.S. Markon, demonstrated in June 1998 efficacy of his PulPur-method /PP/ liberating patient from narcotic dependences, particularly from the alcohol and the nicotine ones, at Yerevan narcological Center of ÍÀÄÅÆÄÀ / HOPE
Practice has verified high efficacy of the author method PP, its painlessness, rapidity of getting the results and their reliability.
Thisconfirmation is handed to the author of the PP method to be used at his discretion.
The chief narcologist
of the RA Ministry
Seda V. Jamalian
The commentary:
the methodologies of Ministry of Health of Armenia and of WHO are completely coincide