Logic suggests, that
if a fact (event, phenomenon) cannot be clarified in principle (not accidentally and nor temporarily) in the context/limits of cause-and-effect relations, in the framework of physical reality P regularities,
so it means that there is (simultaneously with the P) else/some more another reality,
independent on the physical one (P),
nor limited with severe limits of regularities of physical space-time continuum,
reality, in which the cause-and-effect relations are just realized, ensuring allegedly inexplicable facts. |
So [ 3f ], facts
that an operator can obtain distantly some knowledge of some object, in particular,
that he can distantly form a (his psychic) perception image of the object (or only some its traits - that is not principle) –
make/compel one (not merely allow him) to admit existence of some non-physical reality, which just ensures forming of the image out of the physical space-time continuum. Further in the text this reality is named as metaphysical one or metaphysicum