International Association for PSYCHE SURVIVAL
Russian Academy for Natural Sciences
Europaische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften
European University
on y-(psi)-TECHNIQUE medicine
(introduction in healing)
Destined for PHYSICIANS,
60-hours (15 studies, each 4-hours long)
includes the author's methods of liberation from
psyche obsessions.
The most of time and attention in the COURSE are devoted to PRACTICE
by the author's methodical complex of
Both the
principles of istruction and the theoretical
part of the COURSE
are discribed in the author's monographs
The experience of instructing both
abroad of Russia
and though an interpreter exists.
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Several words about the COURSE
Participants receive esoteric, occult notions, unlike academic ones, already known to them, of illness and therapy methods.
They practically master
– methods of distinction of astralum qualities and of astralum diagnostics;
– methods of astralum objects formation and managements of them, methods of astralum therapy;
– methods of specifically healing thinking, frame of mind, meditation;
– methods of mentalum diagnostics and therapy;
– occult terminology..
Participants certify
both professional and personal progress :
the new attitude to patients and to medicine, to its abilities;
to oneself and to the world; the life shows them
its new valuable sense meanings and accents.