FPH Part II. ESOTERISM and MEDICINE Ãë. 8. Self-CURING A healer has always what to discus with his patient, what to advise to him. Often such discussions exceed the framework of physical health. But in this chapter we'll try to limit ourselves just with the sphere of physics. Principles Problems Nestiatria Purifying procedures/treatment Rhythmic drinking Urine-therapy Jogging Cross-sponging Massage of the BAPs Some more advices
Ãë. 8. Self-CURING A healer has always what to discus with his patient, what to advise to him. Often such discussions exceed the framework of physical health. But in this chapter we'll try to limit ourselves just with the sphere of physics. Principles Problems Nestiatria Purifying procedures/treatment Rhythmic drinking Urine-therapy Jogging Cross-sponging Massage of the BAPs Some more advices