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Part III
      FP and HEALTH
      Chapter 12. DISTANT INFLUENCE
                          12.5  DERIVATION and CIRCULATION.


è        One of kinds/sorts of pain is connected with an energy stagnation tonicizing skeletal muscles, (as in this case) and resulting in spasms of smooth muscles: in angiospasms, spasms in abdominal region, etc.
    In general, a state of pain is connected with energy concentration. Not groundlessly G.N. Kassil/ Ã.Í. Êàññèëü [ 51 ] considers a pain as the sixth feeling, i.e. not reduced to sensations of five classical modalities.
    Indications that excessive concentration of energy is undesirable are found in the academic medicine too, at that out of a pain problem too. So, A.S. Zalmanov/ À.Ñ. Çàëìàíîâ explains: Maximum of energy in infinitesimal space is danger of destruction, explosion [ 39, p. 11];
    It is possible to distinguish still, at least, two kinds of pain:
• pain of accident-alarm type, caused by a trauma (a burn, a prick), with sharp, sometimes instant, explosive ejection of energy at cells destruction. This kind of pain loses its alarm function at long action, and is hardly born even at its low level, it exhausts and turns into shock;
• pain of regeneration type, arising when surplus of energy assimilates by AsB (organism), joins normal circulation streams and joins processes of physiological and morphological norm restoration. This kind of pain is not traumatic, is born easily even at its high level.
    Different combinations of these pain kinds are possible.
    Let's repeat here the reference to observation by Stanislav Grof: it is interesting from the theoretical point of view, that it is possible to experience [in LSD-sessions – À.Ì.] pains and other sensations concerning to earlier operations made under a deep general narcosis [ 31, p. 37] and
• an information of pain, of a fact of energy circulation infringement, of its surplus in an injured place exists objectively irrespective of whether it is realized, whether it becomes a part of consciousness, becomes a knowledge;
• taking LSD facilitates achievement of clairvoyance process, facilitates receiving of this information from UDI (activates liaison channels with UDI).
    Anesthesia, isolation of patient's mentalum from his astralum, and his astralum from physical body is possible also without narcosis using. The psi-technics for anesthesia is various. We'll be limited here with an example of self-dependent work in mentalum with a support in religious (in this case - Christian) concepts: I always feel disappearance of the most suffering pain as if a sting istaken out from a wound when I concentrate on the idea, that the God is our loving and vigilant keeper, and that nothing can damage us besides His will [ 35, ñòð. 217].        è

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